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Asynchronous Circuit Design Based on the RTBT Monostable-Bistable-Logic-Transiton-Element (MOBILE)

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Author:P. Glösekötter, W. Prost, C. Pacha, S. O. Kim, H. van Husen, T. Reimann, F.- J. Tegude, K. F. Goser
Parent Title (English):15th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design, Chip in the Pampa
Place of publication:Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Document Type:Part of a Book
Year of Completion:2002
Year of first Publication:2002
Release Date:2019/01/11
Edition:Sept. 9-14
Institutes:Elektrotechnik und Informatik (ETI)
Publication list:Glösekötter, Peter
Licence (German):License Logo Bibliographische Daten