Elektrotechnik und Informatik (ETI)
Year of publication
Document Type
- Part of a Book (119)
- Lecture (84)
- Article (70)
- Article in Conference Proceedings (43)
- Book (20)
- Mitarbeit an einer DIN-Norm, Richtlinie, RFC (13)
- Master's Thesis (4)
- Course Material (3)
- Report (2)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- English (199)
- German (133)
- Multiple languages (27)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (359)
- Photovoltaik, Solarstrom, Speicher (5)
- Cyber Security (4)
- Elektrotechnik (3)
- Photovoltaik (3)
- QUIC (3)
- Outdoor-EL (2)
- Photovoltaics (2)
- Solarstrom (2)
- Transport Protocol (2)
- Ack Ratio (1)
Developing VR
KIM: Kaos In der Medizin
Die sichere E-Mail-Infrastruktur für Ärzt*innen, Apotheker*innen, Krankenversicherungen und Kliniken in Deutschland, KIM - Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen - ist mit über 200 Millionen E-Mails in den vergangenen zwei Jahren eine der am meisten genutzten Anwendungen in der Telematikinfrastruktur. Mit dem Ausgeben von S/MIME-Zertifikaten für alle medizinische Beteiligten in Deutschland verspricht KIM sichere Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung von E-Mails zwischen Heilberufler*innen in ganz Deutschland.
In diesem Paper analysieren wir die KIM-Spezifikation sowie eine beispielhafte KIM-Installation in einer deutschen Zahnarztpraxis. Wir zeigen, dass KIM kryptografisch ein sehr hohes Sicherheitslevel erfüllt, doch in der Verarbeitung der E-Mails bei den Clients eine schwerwiegende Sicherheitslücke besteht. Weiterhin zeigen wir zwei Sicherheitslücken in dem KIM-Verarbeitungsmodul eines großen deutschen Unternehmens für medizinische Software. Diese Defizite zeigen außerdem Mängel in dem verpflichtenden Zulassungsprozess der KIM-Komponenten auf.
S/MIME and OpenPGP use cryptographic constructions repeatedly shown to be vulnerable to format oracle attacks in protocols like TLS, SSH, or IKE. However, format oracle attacks in the End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) email setting are considered impractical as victims would need to open many attacker-modified emails and communicate the decryption result to the attacker. But is this really the case?
In this paper, we survey how an attacker may remotely learn the decryption state in email E2EE. We analyze the interplay of MIME and IMAP and describe side-channels emerging from network patterns that leak the decryption status in Mail User Agents (MUAs). Concretely, we introduce specific MIME trees that produce decryption-dependent network patterns when opened in a victim’s email client.
We survey 19 OpenPGP- and S/MIME-enabled email clients and four cryptographic libraries and uncover a side-channel leaking the decryption status of S/MIME messages in one client. Further, we discuss why the exploitation in the other clients is impractical and show that it is due to missing feature support and implementation quirks. These unintended defenses create an unfortunate conflict between usability and security. We present more rigid countermeasures for MUA developers and the standards to prevent exploitation.
We investigate the magnetic field-dependent fluorescence lifetime of microdiamond powder containing a high density of nitrogen-vacancy centers. This constitutes a non-intensity quantity for robust, all-optical magnetic field sensing. We propose a fiber-based setup in which the excitation intensity is modulated in a frequency range up to 100MHz. The change in magnitude and phase of the fluorescence relative to 𝐵=0 is recorded where the phase shows a maximum in magnetic contrast of 5.8∘ at 13MHz. A lock-in amplifier-based setup utilizing the change in phase at this frequency shows a 100 times higher immunity to fluctuations in the optical path compared to the intensity-based approach. A noise floor of 20μT/Hz−−−√ and a shot-noise-limited sensitivity of 0.95μT/Hz−−−√
were determined.
nitrogen-vacancy center; quantum sensor; fluorescence lifetime; all-optical; magnetometr
Microcontroller-Optimized Measurement Electronics for Coherent Control Applications of NV Centers
Long coherence times at room temperature make the NV center a promising candidate for quantum sensors and quantum computers. The necessary coherent control of the electron spin triplet in the ground state requires microwave 𝜋 pulses in the nanosecond range, obtained from the Rabi oscillation of the mS spin states of the magnetic resonances of the NV centers. Laboratory equipment has a high temporal resolution for these measurements but is expensive and, therefore, uninteresting for fields such as education. In this work, we present measurement electronics for NV centers that are optimized for microcontrollers. It is shown that the Rabi frequency is linear to the output of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and is used to adapt the time length 𝜋
of the electron spin flip, to the limited pulse width resolution of the microcontroller. This was achieved by breaking down the most relevant functions of conventional laboratory devices and replacing them with commercially available integrated components. The result is a cost-effective handheld setup for coherent control applications of NV centers.
NV center in diamond; quantum sensing; microcontroller; Rabi oscillation; ODMR; handheld; π pulse
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the standard technology to query information stored in directories. These directories can contain sensitive personal data such as usernames, email addresses, and passwords. LDAP is also used as a central, organization-wide storage of configuration data for other services. Hence, it is important to the security posture of many organizations, not least because it is also at the core of Microsoft’s Active Directory, and other identity management and authentication services.
We report on a large-scale security analysis of deployed LDAP servers on the Internet. We developed LanDscAPe, a scanning tool that analyzes security-relevant misconfigurations of LDAP servers and the security of their TLS configurations. Our Internet-wide analysis revealed more than 10k servers that appear susceptible to a range of threats, including insecure configurations, deprecated software with known vulnerabilities, and insecure TLS setups. 4.9k LDAP servers host personal data, and 1.8k even leak passwords. We document, classify, and discuss these and briefly describe our notification campaign to address these concerning issues.
Quantum magnetometry based on optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond nano or microcrystals is a promising technology for sensitive, integrated magnetic-field sensors. Currently, this technology is still cost-intensive and mainly found in research. Here we propose one of the smallest fully integrated quantum sensors to date based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond microcrystals. It is an extremely cost-effective device that integrates a pump light source, photodiode, microwave antenna, filtering and fluorescence detection. Thus, the sensor offers an all-electric interface without the need to adjust or connect optical components. A sensitivity of 28.32nT/Hz−−−√ and a theoretical shot noise limited sensitivity of 2.87 nT/Hz−−−√ is reached. Since only generally available parts were used, the sensor can be easily produced in a small series. The form factor of (6.9 × 3.9 × 15.9) mm3 combined with the integration level is the smallest fully integrated NV-based sensor proposed so far. With a power consumption of around 0.1W, this sensor becomes interesting for a wide range of stationary and handheld systems. This development paves the way for the wide usage of quantum magnetometers in non-laboratory environments and technical applications.
A communication over an Internet Protocol (IP) based network fails if an endpoint sends packets that are too big to reach their destination and if the sender is unable to detect that. The node on the path that drops these packets should respond with a Packet Too Big (PTB) message. However, multiple scenarios exist in which the sender will not receive a PTB message. Even if it does, it refrains from using the information in case it suspects that a potential attacker forged the message. In particular, we are not aware of any implementation of the secure transport protocol QUIC (e.g., used by HTTP/3) that processes PTB messages. In this paper, we present a novel parameterizable PTB detection algorithm for reliable transport protocols that does not depend on PTB messages. We further describe how to integrate our algorithm into QUIC, present results from an evaluation using the algorithm within a QUIC simulation model and, based on these results, suggest concrete parameter values.
Durchgängige Digitalisierung industrieller Abläufe am Beispiel der Modellfabrik der FH Münster
Die Modellfabrik der FH Münster erlaubt durch den Umfang und die Komplexität der enthaltenen Automatisierungsaufgaben sowie einen Aufbau aus industriellen Komponenten eine praxisnahe Lehre im Bereich aktueller Anlagenautomatisierung und darüber hinausgehenden Funktionen im Sinne einer durchgängigen Digitalisierung. Die verwendete Unterscheidung der durchgängigen Digitalisierung in horizontale und vertikale Verknüpfungen wird veranschaulicht. Aufbauend auf Erfahrungen mit der Vorgängeranlage werden Neuerungen der 2021 aufgebauten neuen Modellfabrik vorgestellt. Neuerungen umfassen insbesondere die Modularisierung der Anlage, das umgesetzte Sicherheitskonzept, einen Webshop mit Onlinekonfigurator, eine Webvisualiserung des Anlagenzustandes inklusive der Energieverbräuche, sowie Möglichkeiten zur virtuellen Inbetriebnahme. Weiterhin wird das aktuelle Konzept zur Erweiterung der horizontalen digitalen Durchgängigkeit mittels der Einbindung eines autonomen mobilen Roboters in die Modellfabrik vorgestellt.