Möller-Kallista, Birgit
Year of publication
- 2012 (9) (remove)
Document Type
- Article (8)
- Part of a Book (1)
Has Fulltext
- no (9)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (9)
- Child (6)
- Humans (6)
- Adolescent (5)
- Adult (5)
- Female (5)
- Male (5)
- Psychological (5)
- Preschool (4)
- Child of Impaired Parents/psychology (3)
- Germany (3)
- Sozialwesen (SW) (9)
Parental cancer: factors associated with children's psychosocial adjustment - a systematic review
OBJECTIVE Children of cancer patients have an increased risk of developing psychosocial problems. But not all children are alike vulnerable to this stressful event. Thus, knowledge of risk and protective factors is required to design specific diagnostic tools and interventions for this vulnerable population. This study aims to provide a review and methodological evaluation of current studies examining factors associated with children's psychosocial adjustment when a parent has cancer. METHODS Four databases were systematically searched for quantitative research articles examining associative factors of children's adjustment. Study characteristics were analyzed and methodological quality was assessed by two independent reviewers. RESULTS 28 studies examining associative factors in 2896 families were identified. The included studies used a broad range of instruments assessing children's adjustment. Most patients were female breast cancer patients with middle to high socio-economic status. The majority of included studies used correlational approaches and cross-sectional designs. None of the studies examined toddlers or assessed children's quality of life. Across studies with low to high quality, we found no evidence of illness-related factors, except worse disease status that was related to lower adjustment. Evidence from moderate to high quality studies suggest that better family functioning indicates better adjustment, whereas parent's depressive mood indicates worse adjustment of the children. Child-related factors were inconsistent. CONCLUSION Health professionals should pay attention to cancer patients' dependent children. In order to identify this at-risk population, parent's depressive mood and poor family functioning should be considered. Future studies should also assess children's quality of life and child-related factors.
OBJECTIVES Children of cancer patients have an increased risk for developing emotional problems. While psychosocial cancer counselling services are available all over the country, it is unclear if parents seek for help and if specific approaches for families are offered. METHODS A survey was made of outpatient cancer counselling services in Germany (n=228). The response rate was 56%. Descriptive and content analyses of the data have been used. RESULTS Providers estimate that 55% of their patients are between 18 and 55 years with 18% of them having minor children. However, only 53% do regularly ask their patients if they have minor children. Family- or child-settings are not provided regularly. Over 60% of providers would welcome special courses on this subject. CONCLUSION Although psychosocial care of minor children is mentioned in outpatient psychosocial cancer counselling guidelines, children are not included regularly. A stronger emphasis on this topic in further education has to be made.
Children of cancer patients are at risk for developing psychological symptoms. The parental appraisal of the child's psychological condition is a key variable for the utilization of child-centred psychosocial services. This study aimed at the systematic analysis of parental appraisals of changes in the emotional condition or behaviour of their children. We conducted an epidemiologic survey with a sample size of 1,809 patients with different cancer diagnoses, giving information about 2,581 children aged 21 years or younger at time of diagnosis. Quantitative information on children's distress during the disease and on changes in psychological condition or behaviour and qualitative information on the kind of changes were analysed. About half of the children were considered to be psychologically strongly affected during the disease. For about 25 % negative changes in psychological condition or behaviour are reported, positive changes are reported for 20 % of the children. Negative changes are most frequently described in young children (up to five years), positive changes are most frequently described in young adults (18 to 21 years). The results indicate that from the cancer parent's view many children are substantially distressed. Thus, the implementation of additional preventive psychosocial services seems reasonable and necessary.
Children exposed to parental cancer have an increased risk of mental health problems. However, the parental illness itself and its features do not predict children's psychological adjustment. Parent- and family-related factors are more predictive for children's well-being and the incidence of psychopathological symptoms, respectively. This study focuses on parental ways of coping with illness from both, the ill and healthy parent's perspective, and the relationship with family functioning and children's adjustment. Results show a significant impact of parental coping styles on children's health-related quality of life and psychopathological symptoms and, furthermore, that this relationship is mediated by aspects of family functioning. This study support the importance of family systems approaches. Implications for further studies and practical issues are discussed.
The paper presents some reflections on the transgenerational transmission of traumatic experiences of war and in particular bombing during Second World War. These theoretical considerations are based on a case study (family interview) deriving from the research project Kriegskindheit im Hamburger Feuersturm additionally illustrated and complemented with impressions based on interviews with three generations in context of the project.
Air strikes on Hamburg in 1943 (Operation Gomorrha) were a historical turning point and had a deep impact on both cityscape and history of Hamburg. Little is known about intraindividual and transgenerational consequences as well as its interaction with societal and historical processes. Aiming at closing this gap interviews with witnesses, their children and grandchildren, as well as the whole family, were conducted in the context of an interdisciplinary research project. Based on the example of an interview with a at the time of the Operation Gomorrha eleven years old witness, her daughter, and grandson the biographical localisation of war experiences and transgenerational transmission will be explained and discussed.
UNLABELLED BACKGROUND Parental palliative disease is a family affair, however adolescent's well-being and coping are still rarely considered. The objectives of this paper were a) to identify differences in psychosocial adjustment and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among adolescents and young adults with parents suffering from palliative cancer or cancers in other disease stages, b) to relate psychosocial adjustment and health-related quality of life to adolescent coping, and c) to explore significant mediator and predictor variables. METHODS Cross-sectional data were derived from a multi-site research study of families before child-centered counselling. N=86 adolescents and young adults were included, their mean age 13.78 years (sd 2.45), 56% being female. Performed analyses included ANCOVA, multiple linear regression, and mediation analysis. RESULTS Adolescents with parents suffering from palliative cancers reported significantly less total psychosocial problems, and better overall HRQoL. There were no significant group differences regarding coping frequency and efficacy. Our set of coping items significantly mediated the effect of parental disease stage on psychosocial problems and HRQoL. Further, parental disease status and general family functioning predicted psychosocial problems (R2adj =.390) and HRQoL (R2adj =.239) best. CONCLUSION The study indicates distress among adolescents throughout the entire parental disease process. Our analysis suggests that counselling services could offer supportive interventions which focus particularly on adolescent coping as well as family functioning.