An improvement on a concept for all optical mag- netometry using nitrogen vacancies in diamond is presented. The concept is based on the fluorescence attenuation of optically pumped nitrogen vacancies by magnetic fields up to ≈ 50 mT. The attenuation is registered by modulating the pumping power to generate a constant signal at a photodetector. A sensitivity of 2.6μT/√Hz at a sampling frequency of 500 Hz is achieved.
Metal air batteries provide a high energy density as the ca-thodic reaction uses the surrounding air. Different metals can be usedbut zinc is very promising due to its disposability and nontoxic behav-ior. State estimation is quite complicated as the voltage characteristicof the battery is rather flat. Especially estimating the state of chargeis important as a secondary electrolysis process during overcharging canlead to an unsafe state. Another technique for state estimation is theelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Therefore, this paper describesthe process of setup and measuring a time series of impedance spectraat known states of charge. Then these spectra are used to derive anequivalent circuit. Finally the development of the circuit’s parameter areanalyzed to extract most important parameters.
Oxygen consumption of zinc-air batteries and theirperformance at low oxygen concentration levels
Already existing primary Zinc-air batteries providea high energy density. Due to new secondary cells, its tech-nology can become an alternative for energy storage. Sincethese applications require a big amount of storable energy, theoxygen consumption has to be taken into account. This articledetermines the oxygen consumption of zinc-air batteries duringdischarging. Furthermore the performance of zinc-air batteries atlow oxygen concentrations is analyzed. Both aspects are validatedby practical experiments.
Magnetic field sensors based on quantum mechanic effects are often
susceptible to misalignments of the magnetic field or need advanced
procedures to compensate for these. Also, the record breaking sensitivities reported for superconducting quantum interference devices and alkali vapor magnetometers come along with large and complex experimental setups. The nitrogen vacancy center in diamond can be used to design a simple, small, and robust sensor without employing microwave radiation. By using compressed nanodiamond particles, it is possible to eliminate the need of an alignment of the magnetic field and still obtain the absolute magnetic flux density in a single measurement. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of this approach, a centimeter-sized modified automotive demo board is employed as a complete sensor with a sensitivity of 78 µT/Wurzel Hz.
Magnetometry with nitrogen–vacancy (NV) defects in diamond has been extensively stud-ied in the past [1]. While most approaches in-clude the use of microwaves (MW) for the de-tection of electron spin resonance, only few investigate the sensitivity of the photolumines-cence (PL) from NV centers to an external magnetic field without MW [2, 3, 4]. This work aims to utilize this effect to build a highly sensi-tive and compact room temperature magne-tometer. The avoidance of MW serves the re-duction of production costs and allows a com-mercialization at the current patent situation.
Die wachsenden Anteile fluktuierender regenerativer Energien in der Energieversorgung (bis 2020 sollen 30 % und 2050 sogar So % des Stroms aus regenerativen Energiequellen stammen) sowie die Steigerung der Elektromobilität machen deutlich: Das Thema der Zwischenspeicherung elektrischer Energie ist von höchster gesellschaftlicher Relevanz und verlangt zwingend nach einer Lösung. Neue Technologien, die umweltfreundlich, sicher, leistungsfähig und bezahlbar zugleich sind, müssen deshalb entwickelt werden.
This work describes the setup of an ultrawideband (UWB)
realtime localization system (RTLS) for tracking of particles.We describe
how the RTLS obtains distances and positions through radio waves and
the setup and evaluation of a real world system is stated in detail. In
the proposed system the particles track a subtrates surface
ow inside a
biogas plant for verication of agitation processes.
Quantum magnetometry based on optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of nitrogen vacancy centers in nano- or micro-diamonds is a promising technology for precise magnetic-field sensors. Here, we propose a new, low-cost and stand-alone sensor setup that employs machine learning on an embedded device, so-called edge machine learning. We train an artificial neural network with data acquired from a continuous-wave ODMR setup and subsequently use this pre-trained network on the sensor device to deduce the magnitude of the magnetic field from recorded ODMR spectra. In our proposed sensor setup, a low-cost and low-power ESP32 microcontroller development board is employed to control data recording and perform inference of the network. In a proof-of-concept study, we show that the setup is capable of measuring magnetic fields with high precision and has the potential to enable robust and accessible sensor applications with a wide measuring range.
Microcontroller-Optimized Measurement Electronics for Coherent Control Applications of NV Centers
Long coherence times at room temperature make the NV center a promising candidate for quantum sensors and quantum computers. The necessary coherent control of the electron spin triplet in the ground state requires microwave 𝜋 pulses in the nanosecond range, obtained from the Rabi oscillation of the mS spin states of the magnetic resonances of the NV centers. Laboratory equipment has a high temporal resolution for these measurements but is expensive and, therefore, uninteresting for fields such as education. In this work, we present measurement electronics for NV centers that are optimized for microcontrollers. It is shown that the Rabi frequency is linear to the output of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and is used to adapt the time length 𝜋
of the electron spin flip, to the limited pulse width resolution of the microcontroller. This was achieved by breaking down the most relevant functions of conventional laboratory devices and replacing them with commercially available integrated components. The result is a cost-effective handheld setup for coherent control applications of NV centers.
NV center in diamond; quantum sensing; microcontroller; Rabi oscillation; ODMR; handheld; π pulse