Year of publication
- 2017 (3) (remove)
Document Type
- Article (3)
Has Fulltext
- no (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Adult (3)
- Female (3)
- Humans (3)
- Male (3)
- Adolescent (2)
- Child (2)
- Middle Aged (2)
- Parents/psychology (2)
- Social Support (2)
- Adaptation (1)
- Sozialwesen (SW) (3)
BACKGROUND Anxiety and depression can be a long-term strain in cancer survivors. Little is known about the emotional situation of cancer survivors who have to deal with work- and family-related issues. The purpose of this study was to investigate anxiety and depression in working-age cancer survivors and associated factors. METHODS A register-based sample of 3370 cancer survivors (25 to 55 years at time of diagnosis) diagnosed up to six years prior to the survey was recruited from two German cancer registries. Demographic and medical characteristics as well as self-reported measures were used. RESULTS Overall, approximately 40% of the survivors reported moderate to high anxiety scores and approximately 20% reported moderate to high depression scores. Compared to the general population, working-age cancer survivors were more anxious but less depressed (p < .001). Subgroups with regard to time since diagnosis did not differ in anxiety or depression. Anxiety and depression in cancer survivors were associated with various variables. Better social support, family functioning and physical health were associated with lower anxiety and depression. CONCLUSIONS Overall, we found higher anxiety levels in cancer survivors of working-age than in the general population. A considerable portion of cancer survivors reported moderate to high levels of anxiety and depression. The results indicate the need for psychosocial screening and psycho-oncological support e.g. in survivorship programs for working-age cancer survivors. Assessing the physical health, social support and family background might help to identify survivors at risk for higher emotional distress.
Background Aim of the study was to analyze parenting concerns in cancer survivors and to identify covariats for parenting concerns. Method In a cross-sectional epidemiological sample of cancer survivors with minor children (n=1416) demographic and disease-related variables and psychological distress (HADS) were assessed. Parenting concerns were assessed using the Parenting Concerns Questionnaire (PCQ). The instrument covers the 3 subscales concerns about the 'practical impact' of the disease on the children, about the 'emotional impact' and concerns about the 'co-parent'. Results 73% of survivors were female; mean age was 47.5 years (SD 5.9). 24% to 71% of patients reporting parenting concerns showed normal levels of anxiety and depression. We identified living alone, younger age of the youngest child, higher tumor stage and suffering from a comorbidity as significantly associated with parenting concerns in all subscales of the PCQ. Low socio-economic status was found to be significantly associated with parenting concerns regarding the emotional and practical impact of the disease. Being a mother was associated with concerns in the subscale co-parent. Discussion Parents with cancer not only suffer from psychological distress but also from parenting concerns about the impact of their disease on their children. Psychological support services should broach the issue of parenting concerns. Families at risk should be identified to allocate tailored support. Hintergrund Ziel der dargestellten Untersuchung ist es, elterliche Sorgen von Krebsüberlebenden zu untersuchen und Kovariaten dieser spezifischen Belastungen zu identifizieren. Material & Methoden In einer epidemiologischen Stichprobe von n=1416 an Krebs erkrankten Eltern wurden soziodemografische und medizinische Merkmale sowie die psychische Belastung der Eltern (HADS) erhoben. Elterliche Sorgen wurden mit dem Parenting Concerns Questionnaire (PCQ) erhoben, der die Subskalen Sorgen um die ‚praktischen Auswirkungen‘ der Erkrankung auf die Kinder, ‚emotionale Auswirkungen‘ auf die Kinder und Sorgen in Bezug auf den ‚Co-Elternteil‘ umfasst. Ergebnisse 73% der Krebsüberlebenden sind Frauen, das durchschnittliche Alter liegt bei 47,5 Jahren (SD 5,9). Zwischen 24% und 71% der Patienten mit elterlichen Sorgen zeigen in den Skalen der HADS unauffällige Werte. Alleinleben, jüngeres Alter des jüngsten Kindes, ein höheres Tumorstadium und das Vorhandensein einer weiteren körperlichen Erkrankung sind mit Sorgen in allen 3 Subskalen des PCQ positiv assoziiert. Ein niedriger Sozialstatus konnte als Kovariate für elterliche Sorgen auf emotionaler Ebene und auf praktischer Ebene identifiziert werden. Weibliches Geschlecht ist assoziiert mit Sorgen auf der Subskala Co-Elternteil. Diskussion Betroffene Eltern sind neben der allgemeinen psychischen Belastung durch die Erkrankung auch durch Sorgen um ihre Kinder belastet. Psychologische Unterstützungsangebote für krebskranke Eltern sollten auch spezifische elterliche Sorgen thematisieren. Eltern mit Risikokonstellationen für eine erhöhte Belastung sollten besonders berücksichtigt werden, um bedarfsgerecht Unterstützung anbieten zu können.
OBJECTIVE The concept of family functioning is gaining importance in psycho-oncology research and health care services. The Family Assessment Device (FAD) is a well-established measure of family functioning. Psychometric properties inherent in the German 51-item adaptation of the FAD are examined in different samples of families with parental cancer. METHODS Acceptance, reliability, and validity of FAD scales are analysed in samples from different study settings (N=1701 cancer patients, N=261 partners, N=158 dependent adolescent children 11 to 18years old). RESULTS Missing items in the FAD scales (acceptance) are rare for adults (<1.1%) and adolescent children (<4.4%). In samples of adults and older adolescents (15 to 18years), all FAD scales except for the Roles scale are significantly reliable (0.75≤Cronbach's α≤0.88). The scales correlate highly (0.46≤Pearson's r≤0.59) with the criterion satisfaction with family life (convergent validity), and have smaller correlations (0.16≤r≤0.49) with measures of emotional distress and subjective well-being (divergent validity). In most FAD scales, adults seeking family counselling report worse family functioning (0.24≤Cohen's d≤0.59) than adults in other samples with parental cancer (discriminative validity). CONCLUSION Overall, the German 51-item adaptation of the FAD reveals good acceptance, reliability, and validity for cancer patients and their relatives. Particularly the scale General Functioning shows excellent psychometric properties. The FAD is suitable in the assessment of families with parental cancer for adults and adolescents older than 11years.