This research case study presents a novel way to study the development and growth of a multi-sided disruptive platform built on digital technologies. The corresponding business model unfolds industry-changing dynamics eventually changing competition logic in established markets. Despite the appeal of those models, developing and managing such a multi-sided disruptive platform is challenging because multiple platform sides need to be strategically aligned to develop along a disruptive path. Hence, scholars and practitioners are increasingly debating about the dynamics arising in the development and growth of such platforms. The focal case study discusses a research project which contributes to those debates:
This case study discusses how we used topic modeling and qualitative content analysis to make sense of a large amount of historical data from and about multiple platform sides to understand the strategic management and alignment mechanisms that unfolded over time. We discuss how we studied an entrant that was spun off from an established catalog retailer and is steering a multi-sided disruptive platform in the German fashion retail industry. We present how we faced the challenges of collecting data from multiple platform sides and how we used topic modeling to overcome data asphyxiation (i.e. difficulties in making sense of an overwhelming amount of qualitative data). Readers of this case study are equipped with practical insights about a) studying the development of multi-sided platforms over time, and b) using topic modeling and qualitative content analysis as complementing methodological approaches.