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Identifying University Customers and Partners via Science Marketing - a report on a real life case of UAEH in Mexico

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Author:Thomas Baaken, Friederike von Hagen, Lydia Raesfeld, Pontigo Loyoal, América Patricia
Parent Title (English):Badillo Vega, Rosalba; Raesfeld, Lydia; Villalvazo Naranjo, Juan; Baaken, Thomas (Ed.), La vinculación de las instituciones de educación superior con su entorno económico en el contexto internacional
Place of publication:Pachuca, Mexiko
Document Type:Part of a Book
Year of Completion:2011
Year of first Publication:2011
Release Date:2019/01/11
First Page:188
Last Page:207
Institutes:Wirtschaft (MSB)
Hagen, Friederike von
Licence (German):License Logo Bibliographische Daten