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Effective but Not Feasible—What Support Staff in All-Day Primary Schools Think of Pedagogical Interventions with Regard to Children with ADHD

  • Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are faced with multiple challenges both in the classroom and in the homework situation. While there are many studies on pedagogical interventions by teachers in the classroom, this is hardly the case when it comes to support staff in after-school homework supervision. In this study, 196 support staff with different qualifications were asked not only about their knowledge of ADHD, their subjective level of stress, and whether they felt trained enough to work with children with ADHD, but also to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of 25 interventions in homework supervision. Overall, the respondents rated effectiveness higher than feasibility. Higher qualifications, greater knowledge, and better preparation went hand in hand with higher ratings of effectiveness. The more stressed the support staff feel themselves to be, the less feasible they rate the measures. The results underline the necessity of employing well-trained pedagogical staff to supervise children with ADHD. A number of interventions can be identified that the support staff deem to be both effective and feasible, and that promise a high level of implementation in practice. At the same time, more attention should be given to potential obstacles to using recommended measures in training and further education.

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Author:Holger Domsch, Martina Ruhmland, Ilka Lissmann
Parent Title (English):Sustainability
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2023/05/22
Year of first Publication:2022
Publishing Institution:FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences
Release Date:2023/05/22
Tag:ADHD; after-school programme; classroom management strategies; homework; primary school
First Page:1393
Institutes:Sozialwesen (SW)
Publication list:Domsch, Holger
Licence (German):License Logo Bibliographische Daten