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Rehabilitation of Gaulwerk hydropower plant considering environment, sediment management and flood protection

  • The Gaulwerk hydropower plant (HPP) has a design discharge of 3.5 m3/s and generates about 6.5 GWh per year. The HPP has been in operation since 1963 and uses the flow of two alpine streams. The HPP impounds a 300 m long reservoir with a 6.50 m high weir. The storage is completely filled with sediments and is classified as a valuable habitat for fauna and flora. Due to the sedimentation, the area upstream of the reservoir head inundates about two to three times per year during small flood events, leading to complaints from affected landowners and adjacent municipalities. To investigate sustainable solutions, a study of alternatives has been carried out in which three alternatives to im-prove both the sediment and flood situation are being investigated. In addition, the residual flow release will be adjusted and fish facilities realized in all alternatives. The paper will summarize the analysis of the alternatives encompassing the (1) flood situation, (2) sediment management, (3) reha-bilitation measures of the hydraulic structures and their costs and (4) the environmental impact.

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Author:C. Auel, E. Gruber, F. Kircher, R. Fritzer, C. Moritz, T. Huber
Parent Title (English):ICOLD Symposium on Sustainable Development of Dams and River Basins, 24th - 27th February, 2021, New Delhi
Document Type:Article in Conference Proceedings
Date of Publication (online):2022/08/22
Year of first Publication:2021
Publishing Institution:FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences
Release Date:2022/09/02
Institutes:Bauingenieurwesen (BAU)
Publication list:Auel, Christian
Licence (German):License Logo Zweitveroeffentlichung