Automated Regression Tests: A No-Code Approach for BPMN-based Process-Driven Applications

  • BPMN-based Process-Driven Applications (PDA) require less coding since they are not only based on source code, but also on executable process models. Automated testing of such model-driven applications gains growing relevance, and it becomes a key enabler if we want to found their development on continuous integration (CI) techniques.While process analysts are typically responsible for test case specifications from a business perspective, technically skilled process engineers take the responsibility for implementing the required test code. This is time-consuming and, due to their often different skills and backgrounds, might result in communication problems such as information losses and misunderstandings. This paper presents a new approach which enables an analyst to generate executable tests for PDAs without the need for manual coding. It consists of a sophisticated model analysis, a wizard-based specification of test cases, and a subsequent code generation. The resulting tests can easily be integrated into CI pipelines.The concept is underpinned by a user-friendly tool which has been evaluated in case studies and in real-world implementation projects from different industry sectors. During the evaluation, the prototype proved a more efficient test creation process and a higher test quality.

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Author:Konrad Schneid, Leon Stapper, Sebastian Thöne, Herbert Kuchen
Parent Title (English):2021 IEEE 25th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC)
Place of publication:Gold Coast, Australia
Document Type:Article in Conference Proceedings
Date of Publication (online):2021/12/03
Date of first Publication:2021/12/01
Publishing Institution:FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences
Release Date:2021/12/03
Tag:BPMN; Model-Based Testing; No-Code; Process-Driven Application
First Page:31
Last Page:40
Institutes:Wirtschaft (MSB)
Publication list:Schneid, Konrad
Thöne, Sebastian
Licence (German):License Logo Bibliographische Daten