Center for Real Estate & Organization Dynamics
Year of publication
Document Type
- Lecture (57)
- Part of a Book (39)
- Article (35)
- Article in Conference Proceedings (17)
- Book (14)
- Contribution to a Periodical (4)
- German (101)
- English (54)
- Multiple languages (11)
Has Fulltext
- no (166)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (166)
- Corporate Real Estate Management (4)
- Facility Management (2)
- Beschaffungsstrategien (1)
- Building Information Modeling (1)
- Customer satisfaction (1)
- ESG (1)
- Entscheidung (1)
- Executive Leadership, employee behaviors, Team-oriented leadership (1)
- Facility Services (1)
- Family roles, family firms, leadership, organizational behavior, qualitative research, entrepreneurship, executive, non-family (1)
Entscheidungen können zu einem Erfolg oder Fiasko führen. Jahr für Jahr treffen Führungskräfte hunderte von Entscheidungen und wahrscheinlich könnten viele von ihnen besser getroffen werden. Was aber beeinflusst gute Entscheidungen und wie kann ich mein Team besser durch den Dschungel an Komplexität führen?
Dieses Buch bietet eine kompakte Einführung in die Entscheidungstheorie für Führungskräfte und beschreibt fünf Prinzipien, die den Weg zu besseren Entscheidungen ebnen können: Riskante, kollektive Entscheidungen mit Prioritäten strukturieren, Teamdynamiken verstehen, brillant zwischen Entscheidungsparteien kommunizieren, Konflikte umsichtig entschärfen und Partizipation mit klarer Zielsetzung fördern. Basierend auf Erkenntnissen der Verhaltensökonomie zeigt das Buch, wie Entscheidungen besser getroffen und Teams sowie Vorgesetzte klarer einbezogen werden können.
Für viele Problemstellungen erscheinen interdisziplinäre Teams eine großartige Idee zu sein. Jedoch ist das Führen dieser Teams anspruchsvoll. Dies liegt an steigenden Anforderungen der Auftraggeber und unterschiedlichen Erwartungen der Teammitglieder zugleich. Aber wie können Teamleiter diesen zunehmend komplexen Anforderungen genügen? Dieses Buch bietet eine kompakte Einführung in die ergebnisorientierte Teamführung und hebt vier wesentliche Eckpunkte hervor, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Teamerfolgs erhöhen können: Teamgeist für interdisziplinäre Arbeit, klare Kommunikation, stetiges vereinfachen, sowie kontinuierliches reflektieren und weiterentwickeln. Basierend auf aktuellen Ergebnissen der Teamforschung entwickelt das Buch einen praktischen Überblick für Führungskräfte, um ihre persönlichen Fähigkeiten weiterzuentwickeln und die bestehenden Ressourcen der Organisation besser zu nutzen.
Family firm performance through transformational CEO leadership and familiness-related team forces
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to test the role of familiness-related team forces induced by the CEO of family firms. In particular, we report on the effects of the transformational leadership style of CEOs on their respective top-management team (TMT) and firm performance when viewed through a familiness lens.
Design/methodology/approach. Survey measures were taken from a snowballed
sample of 72 CEOs of German family firms as well as from 245 members of their TMTs. We tested the aggregated firm-level data with objective performance indicators of the firms they led.
Findings. Support was obtained for the three hypothesized team-force mediations and the four-path mediation model. The relationship between CEO’s transformational style and
high family-firm performance is found to be serially mediated by TMT cohesion, behavioral integration and efficacy. Together, these three types of collective forces are assumed to be the
familiness effect of a family-member CEO with a transformational leadership style.
Originality. With our model we quantitatively tested familiness-type forces vis-à-vis firm performance. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
Despite a broadly shared belief by most organizational members that their own organization’s environmental performance should be improved, they frequently struggle to do so. Securing the required behavioral changes within their organization has frequently been identified as one of the crucial challenges encountered. Hence, there is an urgent need for actionable insights into how to develop and sustain these behavioral change processes. To this end, we systematically reviewed and compared research evidence of how intra-organizational behavior for environmental performance improvements develops over time. This review shows that extensive and long-lasting outcomes are achieved when environmental performance improving activities are advocated, role-modelled and endorsed by top and line managers. Shifts in social norms appear strongly associated with extensive and long-lasting behavioral changes, especially when they are broadly shared and embedded in a pro-environmental organizational culture. Initial evidence points towards the importance of role models throughout the organization in developing such a culture. Pro-environmental behavioral changes may be effectively instigated and sustained by: setting goals; providing instructions; facilitating desired behavior through redesigning organizational practices and procedures; and rewarding achieved outcomes. Furthermore, positive performance feedback catalyzes pro-environmental behavioral changes and employee participation in developing new practices and procedures is strongly associated with long-lasting environmental performance improvements. Heightened awareness of current environmental performance and an increase in specific knowledge of activities for environmental performance improvement appear to predict behavioral change. Initial evidence suggests that positive attitudes towards non-green aspects of improving environmental performance are crucial predictors of long-lasting and extensive pro-environmental behavioral changes.