Englert, Heike
Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (61)
- Part of a Book (16)
- Article in Conference Proceedings (12)
- Book (8)
- Report (2)
- Review (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (101)
- plant-based diet (6)
- cardiovascular disease (3)
- Gesundheitsökonomie (2)
- Lebensstilprogramm (2)
- carotid intima-media thickness (2)
- Adipositas (1)
- Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (1)
- Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement · Bedarfsanalyse · Maßnahmen· Wissenschaft liche Theorien · Theoretische Grundlagen · Systematisches Literaturreview (1)
- Bewegung (1)
- Ernährung (1)
(betrieblicheGesundheitsförderung) istes
sondernstelltenProgrammedar. Inihnen
Hintergrund. Zur qualitätsbasierten
Weiterentwicklungeffizienter und bedarfs
orientierter Maßnahmen der betrieblichen
Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) ist es von
Interesse, einen Einblick in Ihren Aufbau,
die Ausgestaltung und den Ablauf der
Maßnahmender letztenzwei Jahrzehntezu
Zielsetzung. Auf Basis der arbeitsschutzori
entierten Leitliniendes GKV-Spitzenverbands
wird untersucht, ob vor der Umsetzung
von BGF-Maßnahmen Bedarfserhebungen
mittels Ist-Analysen durchgeführt wurden.
Zusätzlich wird betrachtet,ob die Analysen
„weiche“ Faktoren wie Kultur, Führung und
Beziehungsklima beinhalten. Weiter wird
analysiert, welche wissenschaftlichenTheori
en undModelle denMaßnahmenzugrunde
liegen. Zudem führt die Untersuchungeine
Wirksamkeitsbetrachtungdurch, um zu
ermitteln, welche Effekte die Maßnahmen
Methode. Das vorliegende Literatur-Review
untersucht wissenschaftlichevaluierte BGF
Maßnahmenaus den Jahren 2000–2020.
Hierzu wurde eine systematischeLitera
turrecherche in den zwei elektronischen
DatenbankenScopus und Web of Science
für den benannten Publikationszeitraum
Ergebnisse. Die Einschlusskriterienerfüllten
Ist-Analyse zur Bedarfsbestimmung von
BGF-Maßnahmendurch. 25 Studien führten
Ist-Analysen im Rahmen der Maßnahmen
durch, alle waren arbeitsschutzorientiert.Vier
Studien inkludierten in ihrer Erhebung zu
Beginn Teilaspektevon weichen Faktoren. In
12 Studienwurdenden evaluiertenInterven
tionen unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche
Theorien und Modelle zugrunde gelegt. Alle
Studien berichtetenmindestensfür einzelne
Untersuchungsparametervon positiven
Schlussfolgerung. Vor dem Hintergrund
des Strukturwandels der Wirtschaft und der
beständig zunehmenden Humanisierung
der Arbeit spielen wissenschaftsbasierte
Analyseinstrumentezur Bedarfsbestimmung
eine große Rolle. Zukünftige Analyseinstru
mentesolltenvon derWissenschaftkonzipiert
und erprobt werden und zusätzlich zur
Arbeitsschutzorientierung die immateriellen,
weichen Faktoren Kultur, Führung und
Beziehungsklima beinhalten. Trotz der
Empfehlungen, Maßnahmenauf Grundlage
von Theorien und Modellen zu konzipieren,
wurde dieses Potenzial von nur wenigen
wissenschaftlichevaluiertenStudien genutzt.
Die Wirksamkeitsbetrachtungzeigt, dass alle
Studien mindestensfür Teile Ihrer Evaluation
von positiven Effekten berichten. Dieses
Untersuchungsergebnisdes Reviewsweist auf
ein Publikationsbiashin
Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are associated with high costs for healthcare systems. We evaluated changes in total costs, comprising direct and indirect costs, due to a 24-month non-randomized, controlled lifestyle intervention trial with six measurement time points aiming to improve the risk profile for NCDs. Overall, 187 individuals from the general population aged ≥18 years were assigned to either the intervention group (IG; n = 112), receiving a 10-week intensive lifestyle intervention focusing on a healthy, plant-based diet; physical activity; stress management; and community support, followed by a 22-month follow-up phase including monthly seminars, or a control group (CG; n = 75) without intervention. The complete data sets of 118 participants (IG: n = 79; CG: n = 39) were analyzed. At baseline, total costs per person amounted to 67.80 ± 69.17 EUR in the IG and 48.73 ± 54.41 EUR in the CG per week. The reduction in total costs was significantly greater in the IG compared to the CG after 10 weeks (p = 0.012) and 6 months (p = 0.004), whereas direct costs differed significantly after 10 weeks (p = 0.017), 6 months (p = 0.041) and 12 months (p = 0.012) between the groups. The HLCP-2 was able to reduce health-related economic costs, primarily due to the reduction in direct costs.
Background: Establishing a healthy lifestyle has a great potential to reduce the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors. NCDs contribute immensely to the economic costs of the health care system arising from therapy, medication use, and productivity loss.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the Healthy Lifestyle Community Program (cohort 2; HLCP-2) on medication use and consequently on medication costs for selected NCDs (diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia).
Methods: Data stem from a 24-month non-randomised, controlled intervention trial aiming to improve risk factors for NCDs. Participants completed questionnaires at six measurement time points assessing medication use, from which costs were calculated. The following medication groups were included in the analysis as NCD medication: glucose-lowering medications (GLM), antihypertensive drugs (AHD) and lipid-lowering drugs (LLD). Statistical tests for inter- and intra-group comparison and multiple regression analysis were performed.
Results: In total, 118 participants (intervention group [IG]: n = 79; control group [CG]: n = 39) were considered. Compared to baseline medication use decreased slightly in the IG and increased in the CG. Costs for NCD medication were significantly lower in the IG than in the CG after 6 (p = 0.004), 12 (p = 0.040), 18 (p = 0.003) and 24 months (p = 0.008). After multiple regression analysis and adjusting for confounders, change of costs differed significantly between the groups in all final models.
Conclusion: The HLCP-2 was able to moderately prevent an increase of medication use and thus reduce costs for medication to treat NCDs with the greatest impact on AHD.
Oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. Therefore, improvement of oxidative stress status through lifestyle intervention can play a vital role in preventing and treating chronic diseases. This systematic review aims to provide an overview of articles published in the last decade examining the association between lifestyle intervention and oxidative stress biomarkers in the context of non-communicable diseases. The electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science were searched for relevant studies, following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. This systematic review focused on the four important oxidative stress biomarkers; glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and malondialdehyde. 671 articles were identified, of which nine met the inclusion criteria. A trend emerged, showing that lifestyle modifications that focus on diet and physical health can improve oxidative stress in the form of an increase in superoxide dismutase and CAT levels and a decrease in Malondialdehyde levels in participants with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), GSH levels were not affected. However, the results are difficult to compare because of the heterogeneity of the methods of the biomarkers studied. Our review indicates that oxidative stress can be influenced by lifestyle modifications and may be an effective tool for the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. This review also elucidated the importance of analyzing multiple oxidative stress biomarkers to evaluate oxidative stress, it further highlights the need to conduct long-term lifestyle intervention studies on oxidative stress biomarkers to understand the connection between oxidative stress biomarkers, NCDs and Lifestyle intervention.