Buchholz, Wolfgang
Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (32)
- Part of a Book (22)
- Article in Conference Proceedings (16)
- Lecture (11)
- Book (10)
- Working Paper (2)
- German (53)
- English (33)
- Multiple languages (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (93)
- Supply network mapping (1)
- bibliometric analysis (1)
- ecosystem emergence (1)
- ecosystems (1)
- founding conditions (1)
- imprinting (1)
Assessing serious games within purchasing and supply management education: an in-class experiment
Ecosystem Emergence and Founding Conditions - Lessions Learned from an Imprinting Perspective
The rise of ecosystem prominence has provided several definitions of how we understand ecosystems nowadays. In this context, several scholars have considered influencing factors for ecosystem emergence. This paper addresses this consideration and analyzes the salient characteristics of different ecosystem types and their potential persistence since ecosystem founding to improve the understanding of emergence. We applied a three-step approach (1) identifying ecosystem types based on bibliometric analysis, (2) exploring salient characteristics per ecosystem type using qualitative content analysis and (3) deriving founding conditions from the salient characteristics following a conceptual approach. Based on a bibliometric analysis, we identified business/innovation, entrepreneurial and service ecosystems. In a second step, we developed salient characteristics within the themes of structure, power constellation/interdependencies and governance by inductive coding. As we identified a significant difference in alignment structure, we analyzed if alignment structure persists since ecosystem origin and explains why ecosystems differ. We analyzed potential pairings between alignment structure and their respective founding condition for every ecosystem type. With the alignment structures’ persistence, we can better understand why ecosystem types differ.
Innovative business models for data-driven B2B platforms evolve rapidly based on the prospects of digital technology. In addition to the platform provider, service providers on the supply side of the digital platform - the so-called complementors - play an important role in the process of value creation. This paper highlights the complementors’ perspective on the different facets of complementor relationship management (CoRM) and answers the following research questions: From the perspective of a complementor, what are the main fields of CoRM for data-driven B2B platforms? What factors of influence comprise the reason complementors join a platform?
Complementor relationship management for Data-driven B2B platforms: Towards a Holistic approach
In the so-called ecosystem economy, new platform-based business models evolve rapidly based on the prospects of digital technology. Especially in the B2B context, data-driven platforms are highly relevant. Thus far, little research has been conducted on the supply side of data-driven platforms and especially on service providers, the so-called complementors. Therefore, this paper offers insights into the various facets of complementor relationship management (CoRM). The paper aims to develop a framework for the management of complementors of data-driven B2B platforms. For empirical evidence, we draw on 14 semi-structured expert interviews with platform managers and complementors. The findings outline two big areas of CoRM and discuss distinct characteristics of partner management and technology management. For partner management the differentiation into open and closed platform needs to be taken into account for complementor relationship management. Moreover, our study reveals the key factors of technology management which lead from platform infrastructure to digital applications like digital twins or predictive maintenance.
In the so-called ecosystem economy, new platform-based business models evolve rap-idly based on the prospects of digital technology. In the B2B context especially, data-driven platforms are highly relevant. Thus far, little research has been conducted on service providers, the so-called complementors of data-driven platforms. Therefore, this paper represents just a starting point for gaining deeper insights into the different facets of complementor management. For empirical evidence, we draw on semi-structured expert interviews with platform managers. The findings outline the distinct characteristics of open and closed platforms which need to be taken into account for complementor management. Moreover, the paper reveals a number of differences in managing suppliers compared to managing complementors. In addition, our study shows that the key factors influencing complementor management include platform openness, partnership intensity, strategic fit, and market structure respectively poten-tial.
Angetrieben durch die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung, ist es für ein Unternehmen heute kaum möglich sich nicht mit den Potenzialen und Auswirkungen digitaler Plattformen zu beschäftigen. Schaut man sich z.B. die weltweit wertvollsten Unternehmen an, sind die ersten sieben Plätze von Plattform-Unternehmen wie Apple, Amazon oder Alphabet belegt.
Während digitale Plattformen im C2C-Segment bereits einen recht hohen Reifegrad erreicht haben, stecken B2B-Plattformen noch in den Anfängen ihres Entwicklungszykluses. Aufgrund des nach wie vor hohen Neuigkeitsgrades von datenorientierten B2B-Plattformen sind diese als eine Geschäftsmodellinnovation zu interpretieren.
Forschungsarbeiten zu dem Thema Geschäftsmodellinnovationen haben zum einen herausgefunden, dass Agilität für die Entwicklung innovativer Geschäftsmodelle ein positiv wirkender Einflussfaktor ist. Zum anderen stellt Agilität eine notwendige Fähigkeit in hoch dynamischen Umfeldern dar, und in einem solchen Umfeld bewegt man sich mit einer datenorientierten B2B-Plattform zweifelsohne. Daraus lässt sich die Hypothese ableiten, dass Agilität für die Gestaltung von datenorientierten B2B-Plattformen eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Dieser Problematik geht der folgende Beitrag nach, indem er Agilität operationalisiert und aufzeigt, wie sie für die Gestaltung von solchen Plattformen genutzt werden kann.
Nach der Einleitung werden im zweiten Kapitel die beiden Themenfelder Agilität und datenorientierte B2B-Plattformen grundsätzlich erläutert. Im Kapitel drei wird ein konzeptioneller Rahmen für agile Unternehmen vorgestellt, der dann in seinen Teilbereichen für datenorientierte B2B-Plattformen im Detail analysiert und operationalisiert wird. Ein Fazit im letzten Kapitel rundet den Beitrag ab.