Document Type
- Article (15)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Contribution to a Periodical (1)
- Other (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (18)
- Caffeine (1)
- Cholin (1)
- Ketogenesis (1)
- Lebergesundheit (1)
- MASH (1)
- MASLD (1)
- Metabolismus (1)
- intermittent fasting (1)
- ketone body (1)
- ß-Hydroxybutyrate (1)
Background. Ketone bodies are a highly relevant topic in nutrition and medicine. -e influence of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) on ketogenesis is well known and has been successfully used in ketogenic diets for many years. Nevertheless, the effects of MCTs and coconut oil on the production of ketone bodies have only partially been investigated. Furthermore, the increased mobilisation of free fatty acids and release of catabolic hormones by caffeine suggest an influence of caffeine on ketogenesis.
Methods. In a controlled, double-blind intervention study, seven young healthy subjects received 10mL of tricaprylin (C8), tricaprin (C10), C8/C10 (50% C8, 50% C10), or coconut oil with or without 150 mg of caffeine, in 250mL of decaffeinated coffee, over ten interventions. At baseline and after every 40 minutes, for 4 h, ßHB and glucose in capillary blood as well as caffeine in saliva were measured. Furthermore, questionnaires were used to survey sensory properties, side effects, and awareness of hunger and satiety. Results. -e interventions with caffeine caused an increase in ßHB levels—in particular, the interventions with C8 highly impacted ketogenesis. -e effect decreased with increased chain lengths. All interventions showed a continuous increase in hunger and diminishing satiety. Mild side effects (total � 12) occurred during the interventions. Conclusions. -e present study demonstrated an influence of caffeine and MCTon ketogenesis. -eaddition of caffeine showed an additive effect on the ketogenic potential of MCT and coconut oil. C8 showed the highest ketogenicity.