Document Type
- Report (6)
- Article (3)
- Article in Conference Proceedings (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (11)
- ILCA (1)
- LCA (1)
- Load Profiles (1)
- Urban Building Energy Modeling (1)
- Urban Energy System (1)
- Urban Energy System Modeling (1)
- blue energy (1)
- energy system model (1)
- life cycle assessment (1)
- osmotic power (1)
The global salinity gradient power (SGP) potential is between 1650 - 2000 TWH/a and can be converted by mixing two solutions with different salinities. The harnessing of SGP for conversion into power can be accomplished by means of pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) and reverse electrodialysis (RED). PRO and RED are membrane-based technologies and have different working principles. PRO uses a semipermeable membrane to seperate a concentrated salt solution from a diluted solution. The diluted solution flows through the semipermeable membrane towards the concentrated solution, which increases the pressure within the concentrated solution chamber. The pressure is balanced by a turbine and electricity is generated. RED uses the transport of ions through cation and anion exchange membranes. The chambers between the membranes are alternately filled with a concentrated and diluted solution. The salinity gradient difference is the driving force in transporting ions that results in an electric potential, which is then converted to electricity. The comparison shows that there are two different fields of application for PRO and RED. PRO is especially suitable at extracting salinity energy from large concentration differences. In contrast, RED are not effect by increasing concentration differences. So PRO are supposed to focus on applications with brines or waste water and RED on applications with river water and seawater. Moreover, just a few measured values from processes under real conditions are available, which makes it difficult to compare PRO and RED.
(1) The use of renewable energy for power and heat supply is one of the strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As only 14% of German households are supplied with renewable energy, a shift is necessary. This shift should be realized with the lowest possible environmental impact. This paper assesses the environmental impacts of changes in energy generation and distribution, by integrating the life cycle assessment (LCA) method into energy system models (ESM). (2) The integrated LCA is applied to a case study of the German neighborhood of Herne, (i) to optimize the energy supply, considering different technologies, and (ii) to determine the environmental impacts of the base case (status quo), a cost-optimized scenario, and a CO2-optimized scenario. (3) The use of gas boilers in the base case is substituted with CHPs, surface water heat pumps and PV-systems in the CO2-optimized scenario, and five ground-coupled heat pumps and PV-systems for the cost-optimized scenario. This technology shift led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of almost 40% in the cost-optimized, and more than 50% in the CO2-optimized, scenario. However, technology shifts, e.g., due to oversized battery storage, risk higher impacts in other categories, such as terrestrial eco toxicity, by around 22%. Thus, it can be recommended to use smaller battery storage systems. (4) By combining ESM and LCA, additional environmental impacts beyond GHG emissions can be quantified, and therefore trade-offs between environmental impacts can be identified. Furthermore, only applying ESM leads to an underestimation of greenhouse gas emissions of around 10%. However, combining ESM and LCA required significant effort and is not yet possible using an integrated software.
In Germany, the current sectoral urban planning often leads to inefficient use of resources, partly because municipalities lack integrated planning instruments and argumentation strength toward politics, investors, or citizens. The paper develops the ResourcePlan as (i) legal and (ii) a planning instrument to support the efficient use of resources in urban neighborhoods. The integrative, multi-methodological approach addresses the use of natural resources in the building and infrastructural sectors of (i) water (storm- and wastewater) management, (ii) construction and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure, (iii) urban energy system planning, and (iv) land-use planning. First, the development as legal instrument is carried out, providing (i) premises for integrating resource protection at all legal levels and (ii) options for implementing the ResourcePlan within German municipal structures. Second, the evaluation framework for resource efficiency of the urban neighborhoods is set up for usage as a planning instrument. The framework provides a two-stage process that runs through the phases of setting up and implementing the ResourcePlan. (Eco)system services are evaluated as well as life cycle assessment and economic aspects. As a legal instrument, the ResourcePlan integrates resource protection into municipal planning and decision-making processes. The multi-methodological evaluation framework helps to assess inter-disciplinary resource efficiency, supports the spatial identification of synergies and conflicting goals, and contributes to transparent, resource-optimized planning decisions.
The Spreadsheet Energy System Model Generator (SESMG) is a tool for modeling and optimizing energy systems with a focus on urban systems. The SESMG is easily accessible as it comes with a browser-based graphical user interface, spreadsheets to provide data entry, and detailed documentation on how to use it. Programming skills are not required for the installation or application of the tool. The SESMG includes advanced modeling features such as the application of the multi-energy system (MES) approach, multi-objective optimization, model-based methods for reducing computational requirements, and automated conceptualization and result processing of urban energy systems with high spatial resolution. Due to its accessibility and the applied modeling methods, urban energy systems can be modeled and optimized with comparatively low effort.
The energy demand of the residential sector contributed to about 29 % of Germany’s final energy consumption in 2020. For the planning and optimization of energy systems, an understanding of the temporal energy consumption is necessary. This paper discusses tools for estimating these load profiles. Load profiles for electricity, space heating and domestic hot water (DHW) are investigated. A total of ten tools were applied. It turns out that the selected load profiles are dependent on the field of application. Load profiles influence the results of energy system modeling and therefore it is important to differentiate load profile tools. Standardized load profiles are well suited when a large number of buildings are considered. Stochastic load profiles, behavioral load profiles and the reference load profiles are well suited for building-specific simulations. Physical load pro- files are well suited for single building models, but as soon as several buildings are considered, the input effort for a sufficient accuracy is high.