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STAMPPP - Science and the treatment of autism: A multimedia package for parents and professionals.

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Author:M. Keenan, K. Dillenburger, S. Gallagher, J. Byrne, N. Martin, B. Strømgren, L. A. Pérez-González, B. Brugger, H. R. Röttgers
Parent Title (English):Abstractband des 7th Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress (ISEC), Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Practice. Belfast , 2. bis 5. August 2010
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2010
Year of first Publication:2010
Release Date:2019/01/11
Institutes:Sozialwesen (SW)
Publication list:Röttgers, Hanns Rüdiger
Licence (German):License Logo Bibliographische Daten