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Information on organic milk packaging in countries with different level of organic market maturity - A comparison between Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Poland

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Author:Lisa Borghoff, Friederike Elsner, Andrijana Horvat, Karolina Misztal, Anna Saba, Eleonora Saggia-Civitelli
Parent Title (German):Book of Abstracts of the Science Forum “From its roots, organic inspires science, and vice versa”. 6th ISOFAR conference at the 20th Organic World Congress 2021 in Rennes, France, September 8-10, 2021
Document Type:Article in Conference Proceedings
Date of Publication (online):2023/02/14
Year of first Publication:2021
Publishing Institution:FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences
Release Date:2023/02/15
First Page:73
Institutes:Sozialwesen (SW)
Publication list:Borghoff, Lisa Marie
Licence (German):License Logo Bibliographische Daten