Positive effects of reservoir sedimentation management on reservoir life: Examples from Japan
- The effectiveness of different strategies against reservoir sedimentation is demonstrated herein using data sets of Asahi, Nunobiki and Dashidaira reservoirs in Japan. The applied strategies encompass sediment routing with a bypass tunnel, drawdown flushing during floods and sabo dam construction in the catchment. It is shown that bypassing and flushing are very efficient strategies enlarging reservoir life by 3 to 21 times up to many hundreds of years. Furthermore, it is revealed that also efforts in the catchment, e.g. sabo dam construction, is effective enlarging reservoir life by 2.4 times.
Author: | C. Auel, S.A. Kantoush, T. Sumi |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hbz:836-opus-151498 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.25974/fhms-15149 |
ISBN: | 978-0-620-71042-8 |
Parent Title (German): | 84th Annual Meeting of ICOLD, Johannesburg, South Africa 4-11−4-20. |
Publisher: | ICOLD |
Document Type: | Article in Conference Proceedings |
Language: | English |
Date of Publication (online): | 2022/08/22 |
Year of first Publication: | 2016 |
Publishing Institution: | FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences |
Release Date: | 2022/09/02 |
Institutes: | Bauingenieurwesen (BAU) |
Publication list: | Auel, Christian |
Licence (German): | Zweitveroeffentlichung |