@article{Feldhoff2006, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {"Nicht jede Arbeit ist zumutbar" - Lohnwucher als Zumutbarkeitsgrenze im SGB II}, series = {Die Sozialgerichtsbarkeit}, journal = {Die Sozialgerichtsbarkeit}, number = {12}, pages = {701 -- 709}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2008, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {"Reinigungsfrauen verdienen mehr", Anmerkung zum Beschluss des Hessischen Landesarbeitsgerichts vom 11.09.2007}, series = {STREIT}, journal = {STREIT}, number = {3}, pages = {99 -- 109}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2008, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Mittelbare Diskriminierung teilzeitbesch{\"a}ftigter Frauen, Anmerkung zum Urteil des Europ{\"a}ischen Gerichtshofes vom 06.12.2007}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Europ{\"a}isches Arbeits- und Sozialrecht}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Europ{\"a}isches Arbeits- und Sozialrecht}, number = {11/12}, pages = {509 -- 513}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2009, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Gesetz zur Erleichterung familiengerichtlicher Maßnahmen bei Gef{\"a}hrdung des Kindeswohls}, series = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, journal = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, number = {2}, pages = {118 -- 121}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2009, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Das (Pflege-) Kind im Streit - zur Reform des Familienverfahrensrechts (Fam-FG)}, series = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, journal = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, number = {3}, pages = {185 -- 188}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2009, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Frauenarbeit im Einzelhande: Geringf{\"u}gig besch{\"a}ftigt - gering entlohnt - gering gesch{\"a}tzt?!, Anmerkung zum Urteil des LAG Hamm vom 18.03.2009}, series = {STREIT}, journal = {STREIT}, number = {3}, pages = {99 -- 107}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2010, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Schutzauftrag der freien Tr{\"a}ger gem{\"a}ß \S 8 a SGB VIII - rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und fachliche Anforderungen}, series = {EREV-Schriftenreihe - Familien und Kinderschutz, Rechtliche Grundlagen und Konzepte.}, journal = {EREV-Schriftenreihe - Familien und Kinderschutz, Rechtliche Grundlagen und Konzepte.}, number = {4}, pages = {10 -- 21}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2015, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Entsch{\"a}digung nach dem AGG bei K{\"u}ndigung unter Missachtung des Mutterschutzgesetzes}, series = {STREIT. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, journal = {STREIT. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, number = {3}, pages = {111 -- 114}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2013, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Verantwortungsgemeinschaft von Jugendamt und Familiengericht - wie das Leitbild so die Praxis ?}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2011, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Rechtliche Reformen im Kinderschutz - Verbesserungen f{\"u}r Kinder und Familien?}, series = {ER EV-Schriftenreihe. Professionalit{\"a}t trotz(t) Krise. Beitr{\"a}ge zur EREV-Bundesfachtagung vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Berlin}, journal = {ER EV-Schriftenreihe. Professionalit{\"a}t trotz(t) Krise. Beitr{\"a}ge zur EREV-Bundesfachtagung vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Berlin}, number = {2}, pages = {S. 82 -- 90}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2011, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Vermutung der Altersbenachteiligung, Anm. zum Urteil des BAG vom 19. 8. 2010}, series = {JurisPR ArbR}, journal = {JurisPR ArbR}, number = {6}, pages = {Anm. 1}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2011, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Kollision Arbeitspflicht und Kinderbetreuung - Lage der Arbeitszeit, Anm. zum Urteil des ArbG Bochum vom 22. 12. 2010}, series = {JurisPR ArbR}, journal = {JurisPR ArbR}, number = {37}, pages = {Anm. 6}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2012, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Reform des Ehegattenunterhalts: Br{\"u}che und Inkonsistenzen in der Familien- und Sozialpolitik}, series = {STREIT. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, journal = {STREIT. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, number = {4}, pages = {147 -- 159}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2012, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {,,Kassenzulage nach Einzelhandelstarifvertrag Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Anm. zum Urteil des LArbG Rostock 21.02.2012}, series = {juris-PR ArbR}, journal = {juris-PR ArbR}, number = {38/2012, Anm. 3}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2012, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Eingruppierung von Sp{\"u}lt{\"a}tigkeit - Tariflicher Mindestlohn, Anm. zum Urteil des LArbG Hannover vom 5. 7. 2011 - 4 AZR 99/12}, series = {jurisPR-ArbR}, journal = {jurisPR-ArbR}, number = {3, Anm. 4}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2013, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Nicht miteinander verheiratete Eltern: Reform des Sorge- und Umgangsrechts}, series = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, journal = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, number = {H. 5}, pages = {S. 314 -- 317}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2013, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Nicht miteinander verheiratete Eltern: Reform des Sorge- und Umgangsrechts}, series = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, journal = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, number = {Heft 5}, pages = {S. 314 -- 317}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2014, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Abmahnung vor krankheitsbedingter K{\"u}ndigung wegen psychischer Erkrankung", Anm. zum Urteil des Hessischen LArbG vom 18.3. 2013 - 13 Sa 1207/13}, series = {juris-PR ArbR}, journal = {juris-PR ArbR}, number = {39}, pages = {Anm. 3}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2016, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Außerordentliche K{\"u}ndigung - Eignungsm{\"a}ngel bei rechtsradikaler Gesinnung eines Erziehers, Anm. zum Urteil des Arbeitsgerichts Mannheim vom 19. 5. 2015 - 7 Ca 254/14}, series = {jurisPR-ArbR}, journal = {jurisPR-ArbR}, number = {3 Anm. 4}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2009, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Kerstin Feldhoff: Keine Sanktion nach \S 31 SGB II bei Ablehnung von Arbeitern mit sittenwidriger Entgeltabrede, Anmerkung zum Urteil des Sozialgerichts Dortmund vom 02.02.2009}, series = {Juris PR-ArbR}, journal = {Juris PR-ArbR}, number = {25}, pages = {Anm. 3}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2009, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Zuweisung eines geringerwertigen Arbeitsplatzes nach Mutterschutzzeit, Anmerkung zum Urteil des Arbeitsgerichts Wiesbaden vom 30.10.2008}, series = {Juris PR-ArbR}, volume = {30}, journal = {Juris PR-ArbR}, pages = {Anm. 1}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2016, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {"Diskriminierung wegen des Geschlechts im Bewerbungsverfahren", Anm. zum Urteil des LAG Hamm vom 11.6.2015 - 11 Sa 194/15}, series = {jurisPR-ArbR}, journal = {jurisPR-ArbR}, number = {8 Anm. 3}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2016, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {"Geschlechtsbezogene Diskriminierung durch niedrigere Verg{\"u}tungszahlung an Frauen", Anm. zum Urteil des LArbG Mainz vom 28.10.2015 - 4 Sa 12/14}, series = {jurisPR-ArbR}, journal = {jurisPR-ArbR}, number = {33 Anm. 2}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2017, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {„Vorabentscheidungsverfahren zu den Bereichsausnahmen von Religionsgemeinschaften im Antidiskriminierungsrecht", Anm. zum Vorlagenbeschluss des BAG vom 17.03.2016 - 8 AZR 501/14 (A) an den Europ{\"a}ischen Gerichtshof zur Auslegung von Art. 4 Abs. 2 der Richtlinie 2000/78/EG}, series = {jurisPR-ArbR}, journal = {jurisPR-ArbR}, number = {10, Anm. 4}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2018, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Arbeitsst{\"a}ttenrecht im Betrieb Teil 1}, series = {Gute Arbeit}, journal = {Gute Arbeit}, number = {3}, pages = {25 -- 29}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2018, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Soziale Arbeit als Frauenberuf - gering gesch{\"a}tzt, gering bewertet !?}, series = {PARTNERschaftlich - Gesamtverband f{\"u}r Suchthilfe e. V. (Hg.)}, journal = {PARTNERschaftlich - Gesamtverband f{\"u}r Suchthilfe e. V. (Hg.)}, number = {1}, pages = {5 -- 7}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2018, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Arbeitstt{\"a}ttenrecht im Betrieb - Teil II}, series = {Gute Arbeit}, journal = {Gute Arbeit}, number = {4}, pages = {29 -- 33}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2018, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Diskriminierung durch unzureichende Gef{\"a}hrdungseinsch{\"a}tzung nach MuSchG - Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH}, series = {STREIT Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, journal = {STREIT Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, number = {2}, pages = {51 -- 56}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2019, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung - eine professionelle Unterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r Opferzeug*innen im Strafprozess}, series = {Recht und Praxis der Rehabilitation}, journal = {Recht und Praxis der Rehabilitation}, number = {Heft 2}, issn = {2366-7877}, pages = {18 -- 25}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2019, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Nur mangelhafte Versorgung oder schon "erhebliche Vernachl{\"a}ssigung" eines Kindes}, series = {Recht und Praxis der Rehabilitation}, journal = {Recht und Praxis der Rehabilitation}, number = {3}, pages = {34 -- 43}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2020, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Umfang des Viktimisierungsschutzes f{\"u}r Unterst{\"u}tzer*innen einer diskriminierten Person}, series = {STREIT. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, journal = {STREIT. Feministische Rechtszeitschrift}, number = {2020/1}, pages = {9 -- 14}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2020, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Erholzeiten am Bildschirm gestalten}, series = {Gute Arbeit. Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsgestaltung}, volume = {32.Jg.}, journal = {Gute Arbeit. Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsgestaltung}, number = {11}, issn = {1860-0077}, pages = {22 -- 24}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{Feldhoff2021, author = {Feldhoff, Kerstin}, title = {Mobbing: Schutzpflichten des Arbeitgebers}, series = {Gute Arbeit. Gesundheitsschutz und Arbeitsgestaltung}, volume = {33}, journal = {Gute Arbeit. Gesundheitsschutz und Arbeitsgestaltung}, number = {Heft 4}, issn = {1860-0077}, pages = {18 -- 22}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{FaltermeierStork2017, author = {Faltermeier, Josef and Stork, Remi}, title = {Interessenvertretungen von Eltern mit Kindern in Erziehungshilfen}, series = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, journal = {Forum Erziehungshilfen}, issn = {0947-8957}, pages = {217 -- 220}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{ErnstBeierleinRomeretal.2013, author = {Ernst, Johanna Christine and Beierlein, Volker and Romer, Georg and M{\"o}ller, Birgit and Koch, Uwe and Bergelt, Corinna}, title = {Use and need for psychosocial support in cancer patients: a population-based sample of patients with minor children}, series = {Cancer}, volume = {119}, journal = {Cancer}, doi = {10.1002/cncr.28021}, pages = {2333 -- 2341}, year = {2013}, abstract = {BACKGROUND Cancer patients and their minor children have been shown to experience psychological distress. The objectives of the current study were to 1) describe the need for and use of psychosocial support and 2) determine predictors of family-centered support use in patients with minor children. METHODS A population-based sample of 1809 patients was recruited via 2 cancer registries. The eligibility criteria were age 25 years to 55 years, an initial diagnosis received no longer than 6 years before this survey, and having at least 1 minor child. Medical characteristics and self-report measures were used. RESULTS Overall, approximately 38\% cases were identified as being borderline or probable anxiety cases and 16\% were identified as being borderline or probable depression cases. Since diagnosis, 44\% of the patients had used psychosocial support and 9\% had received family-focused and child-focused support. These patients perceived a lower quality of life and poorer family functioning. Approximately 73\% of patients with children wanted information concerning or psychosocial services to support their children or parenting. Use of family-centered support was not found to be predicted by disease-related factors (eg, cancer staging) but rather by subjective needs (eg, mental health and having a distressed child in the family). CONCLUSIONS The results of the current study emphasize the importance of child and parenting concerns in psychosocial care in oncology. Screenings for children and appropriate training programs for health care may increase awareness of this issue.}, subject = {Adult}, language = {en} } @article{ErnstBeierleinRomeretal.2011, author = {Ernst, Johanna Christine and Beierlein, Volker and Romer, Georg and M{\"o}ller, Birgit and Koch, Uwe and Bergelt, Corinna}, title = {Psychosoziale Versorgung von Kindern mit einem an Krebs erkrankten Elternteil - Eine Bestandsaufnahme spezifischer Versorgungsangebote in Deutschland}, series = {Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie}, volume = {61}, journal = {Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie}, doi = {10.1055/s-0031-1286303}, pages = {426 -- 434}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Children of a parent having cancer are at greater risk to develop mental health problems. Aim is to investigate specific psychosocial care for children having a parent with cancer, as well as to characterize and assess utilization and needs of affected minor children. Employees of institutions in Germany supplying psychosocial care to families with a parent having cancer were surveyed, using a semi-structured interview (n = 29). Specific psychosocial care for affected children is limited and heterogeneous in Germany. Regarding different distress stages of those families, the situation could be interpreted as eligible. However, this primarily reflects the low quality assurance of care. Results suggest that in addition to preventive care needs of children having a parent with cancer, increased needs exist in specific risk constellations, like in single parent families.}, subject = {Adult}, language = {de} } @article{ErnstBeierleinRomeretal.2012, author = {Ernst, J. C. and Beierlein, V. and Romer, G. and M{\"o}ller, B. and Koch, U. and Bergelt, C.}, title = {Krebskranke Eltern und ihre minderj{\"a}hrigen Kinder - eine bundesweite Befragung ambulanter psychosozialer Krebsberatungsstellen zu Bedarf und Inanspruchnahme}, series = {Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany))}, volume = {74}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany))}, doi = {10.1055/s-0032-1329953}, pages = {742 -- 746}, year = {2012}, abstract = {OBJECTIVES Children of cancer patients have an increased risk for developing emotional problems. While psychosocial cancer counselling services are available all over the country, it is unclear if parents seek for help and if specific approaches for families are offered. METHODS A survey was made of outpatient cancer counselling services in Germany (n=228). The response rate was 56\%. Descriptive and content analyses of the data have been used. RESULTS Providers estimate that 55\% of their patients are between 18 and 55 years with 18\% of them having minor children. However, only 53\% do regularly ask their patients if they have minor children. Family- or child-settings are not provided regularly. Over 60\% of providers would welcome special courses on this subject. CONCLUSION Although psychosocial care of minor children is mentioned in outpatient psychosocial cancer counselling guidelines, children are not included regularly. A stronger emphasis on this topic in further education has to be made.}, subject = {Adolescent}, language = {de} } @article{Erlemeier2009, author = {Erlemeier, Norbert}, title = {Suizidpr{\"a}vention und Sterbehilfe. Stellungnahme der AG Alte Menschen im Nationalen Suizidpr{\"a}ventionsprogramm f{\"u}r Deutschland}, series = {Suizidprophylaxe}, volume = {36}, journal = {Suizidprophylaxe}, number = {2}, pages = {96 -- 98}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{Erlemeier2010, author = {Erlemeier, Norbert}, title = {Suizidpr{\"a}vention im Alter}, series = {pr{\"a}vention - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung}, journal = {pr{\"a}vention - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{Erlemeier2006, author = {Erlemeier, Norbert}, title = {Direkte und indirekte Suizidneigung bei Bewohnern station{\"a}rer Altenhilfeeinrichtungen.}, series = {Suizidprophylaxe}, volume = {33}, journal = {Suizidprophylaxe}, number = {2}, pages = {79 -- 83}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @article{EnningKroemerLorseetal.2020, author = {Enning, Janina and Kr{\"o}mer, Birte and Lorse, Susanna and Kappe, Simon and van Randenborgh, Annette}, title = {Hochbegabt! Und jetzt? Beratungsbedarfe von hochbegabten Erwachsenen}, series = {Beratung aktuell. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Theorie und Praxis der Beratung}, volume = {2020}, journal = {Beratung aktuell. Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Theorie und Praxis der Beratung}, number = {2}, issn = {1439-5916}, pages = {3 -- 14}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Does intellectual giftedness pave the way towards satisfaction and success or is it rather a source of self-insecurity and further problems? The current Germany-wide quantitative online survey, in which 862 intellectual gifted adults (age 18+) with a minimum IQ of 130 points participated, focuses on the overall satisfaction in diverse categories, such as profession, social environment and family. Hereby, this comparative study differentiates between early- and late-diagnosed intellectually gifted people. Based on four hypotheses it is investigated how an early- or late diagnosis of intellectual giftedness impacts overall satisfaction and occupational satisfaction and to what extent all participants expressed a need for professional support. The study finds, that individuals who learned about their giftedness only in adulthood and who were surprised about this finding showed diminished self-satisfaction as compared to other highly gifted individuals. Furthermore, the study revealed that the majority of the intellectually gifted participants expressed a need for qualified professional counsel-ling, hereby reinforcing the notion that social workers should be trained to work with this specific group of people. In conclusion, this study contributes to a potential debate about support for highly gifted individuals provided by social work and other counselling professions.}, language = {de} } @article{EndersAghamiriBeckmannetal.2022, author = {Enders, Kristina and Aghamiri, Kathrin and Beckmann, Christof and G{\"u}nnewig, Nadine and Heuer, Imke and van Rießen, Anne and Dettmann, Marlene}, title = {"Und was haben die Co-Forschenden davon?" Der Versuch einer standortgebundenen Ann{\"a}herung}, series = {Standpunkt Sozial: Partizipative Forschung. Der Forschungsstil mit Konsequenz}, volume = {Jahrgang 33}, journal = {Standpunkt Sozial: Partizipative Forschung. Der Forschungsstil mit Konsequenz}, number = {2022/1}, issn = {0937-5791}, pages = {79 -- 95}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniWirtz2011, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Wirtz, Stefan}, title = {Wie viel Psychologie steckt im Habitusbegriff? Pierre Bourdieu und die verstehende Psychologie}, series = {Journal f{\"u}r Psychologie}, volume = {19}, journal = {Journal f{\"u}r Psychologie}, number = {1}, pages = {1 -- 23}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniWirtz2012, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Wirtz, Stefan}, title = {Migrations- und ungleichheitsbedingte Missverst{\"a}ndnisse in der Schule}, series = {interculture journal - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r interkulturelle Studien}, volume = {11}, journal = {interculture journal - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r interkulturelle Studien}, number = {19}, pages = {33 -- 41}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniWaleciakWeitzel2013, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Waleciak, Julian and Weitzel, Gerrit}, title = {Hochbegabte Jungen mit Migrationshintergrund}, series = {Migration und Soziale Arbeit}, volume = {35}, journal = {Migration und Soziale Arbeit}, number = {2}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniWaleciakWeitzel2015, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Waleciak, Julian and Weitzel, Gerrit}, title = {Hochbegabte Jungen - Wunderkinder oder St{\"o}renfrieden?}, series = {Schulmanagement}, journal = {Schulmanagement}, number = {4}, issn = {0341-8235}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniWaleciakWeitzel2016, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Waleciak, Julian and Weitzel, Gerrit}, title = {Fl{\"u}chtlinge in den Kommunen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven}, series = {Stadt Land Bildung - Magazin f{\"u}r kommunales Bildungsmanagement}, journal = {Stadt Land Bildung - Magazin f{\"u}r kommunales Bildungsmanagement}, number = {2}, issn = {2367-4474}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniToprak2010, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Toprak, Ahmet}, title = {Hausfrau oder Kauffrau? Beratungssituationen mit jungen Frauen t{\"u}rkischer Herkunft}, series = {Sozialmagazin}, journal = {Sozialmagazin}, number = {2}, pages = {10 -- 16}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniKurtenbach2014, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Kurtenbach, Sebastian}, title = {Das Raumparadoxon der Bildungspolitik - Warum Bildungsinvestitionen sozialr{\"a}umlicher Segregation nicht entgegenwirken}, series = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, journal = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, number = {5}, issn = {0342-2275}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniKurtenbach2014, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Kurtenbach, Sebastian}, title = {Das Raumparadoxon der Bildungspolitik - Warum Bildungsinvestitionen sozialr{\"a}umlicher Segregation nicht entgegenwirken}, series = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, journal = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, number = {5}, issn = {0342-2275}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniKurtenbach2014, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Kurtenbach, Sebastian}, title = {Das Raumparadoxon der Bildungspolitik. Warum Bildungsinvestitionen sozialr{\"a}umlicher Segregation nicht entgegenwirken}, series = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, volume = {5}, journal = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, pages = {344-351}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniKemper2015, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Kemper, Thomas}, title = {Bildungsungleichheit ist nicht gleich verteilt - Zur Bildungsbenachteiligung t{\"u}rkischer Sch{\"u}ler/innen in Deutschland [in deutscher und t{\"u}rkischer Sprache]}, series = {Politeknik}, journal = {Politeknik}, number = {1}, issn = {2198-8706}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalaniGenee2009, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin and Genee, Pascal}, title = {Kompetenzraster als Methode zur F{\"o}rderung von Kompetenz und Performanz}, series = {Erziehungswissenschaft und Beruf}, volume = {57}, journal = {Erziehungswissenschaft und Beruf}, number = {3}, pages = {307 -- 315}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2013, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Treat the unequal as unequal! Inclusion means thinking differently}, series = {Vocational Training in Research and Practice (BWP - Special Edition)}, journal = {Vocational Training in Research and Practice (BWP - Special Edition)}, pages = {50 -- 53}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{ElMafaalani2013, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Erziehungs- und Erwartungsdifferenzen im Alltag von Migrantenkindern}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Grundschulforschung (ZfG)}, volume = {6}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Grundschulforschung (ZfG)}, number = {1}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2011, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Bildungsungleichheit im Wohlfahrtsstaat. Statussicherung als kraftvolle Traditionslinie in der deutschen Bildungs-, Familien- und Sozialpolitik}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialp{\"a}dagogik (ZfSP)}, volume = {9}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialp{\"a}dagogik (ZfSP)}, number = {3}, pages = {283 -- 305}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2010, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Unterrichtsrealit{\"a}t zwischen p{\"a}dagogischem Pessimismus und didaktischem Optimismus}, series = {Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung}, journal = {Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung}, number = {2}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2009, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Diversit{\"a}t in der beruflichen Benachteiligtenf{\"o}rderung. Herausforderungen f{\"u}r Unterrichts-, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung}, series = {Migration und Soziale Arbeit}, volume = {31}, journal = {Migration und Soziale Arbeit}, number = {3\&4}, pages = {277 -- 282}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2009, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Heterogenit{\"a}t als Potenzial nutzen. M{\"o}glichkeiten individueller F{\"o}rderung in der vollzeitschulischen beruflichen Bildung}, series = {Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis}, volume = {38}, journal = {Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis}, number = {1}, pages = {11 -- 14}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2010, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Jung, qualifikationsarm, ausbildungsm{\"u}de - was tun mit Schulversagern?}, series = {OrganisationsEntwicklung - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management}, volume = {29}, journal = {OrganisationsEntwicklung - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management}, number = {1}, pages = {46 -- 54}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2009, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Do Underachievers need Sociology?}, series = {Journal of Social Science Education}, volume = {8}, journal = {Journal of Social Science Education}, number = {4}, pages = {35 -- 42}, year = {2009}, language = {mul} } @article{ElMafaalani2011, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Sozialinvestition statt Kompensation. Warum der Sozialstaat nur als Bildungsrepublik zukunftsf{\"a}hig bleibt}, series = {Gesellschaft Wirtschaft Politik}, volume = {60}, journal = {Gesellschaft Wirtschaft Politik}, number = {2}, pages = {227 -- 234}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2013, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Migrations- und Ungleichheitssensibilit{\"a}t als Schl{\"u}sselkompetenz f{\"u}r p{\"a}dagogische Berufe}, series = {Unsere Jugend}, volume = {65}, journal = {Unsere Jugend}, number = {2}, pages = {50 -- 61}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2011, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Ungleiches ungleich behandeln! Inklusion bedeutet Umdenken}, series = {Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis}, volume = {40}, journal = {Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis}, number = {2}, pages = {39 -- 42}, year = {2011}, language = {mul} } @article{ElMafaalani2010, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Soziologisches Theater. Benachteiligte Jugendliche besch{\"a}ftigen sich mit Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung durch selbstentwickelte Inszenierungen}, series = {Zeitschrift {\"A}sthetische Bildung}, volume = {2}, journal = {Zeitschrift {\"A}sthetische Bildung}, number = {1}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2010, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Soziale Ungleichheit und Geschlecht. Die Ungleichstellung der Frauen in Beruf und Wohlfahrtsstaat {\"u}berwinden}, series = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, volume = {61}, journal = {Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit}, number = {5}, pages = {240 -- 245}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2013, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {,,Bleib wie du bist, und gestalte mit!"}, series = {Berliner Republik}, journal = {Berliner Republik}, number = {6}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2013, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Gender Pay Gap und Hausfrauenehe. Geschlechterungleichheit in Wirtschaft und Politik}, series = {Politisches Lernen}, journal = {Politisches Lernen}, number = {1-2}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2014, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Bildungsaufsteiger an der Universit{\"a}t - neue Zielgruppe, neue Herausforderungen}, series = {DIVERSIT{\"A}T KONKRET - HANDREICHUNG F{\"U}R DAS LEHREN UND LERNEN AN HOCHSCHULEN}, journal = {DIVERSIT{\"A}T KONKRET - HANDREICHUNG F{\"U}R DAS LEHREN UND LERNEN AN HOCHSCHULEN}, issn = {2198-2473}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2014, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Migrations- und Ungleichheitssensibilit{\"a}t in psychosozialen Handlungsfeldern}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r systemische Therapie und Beratung}, volume = {32}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r systemische Therapie und Beratung}, number = {3}, issn = {1866-9875}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2015, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Bildungsaufstieg. (K)eine Frage von Leistung allein?}, series = {Bundeszentrale f{\"u}r politische Bildung}, journal = {Bundeszentrale f{\"u}r politische Bildung}, issn = {0046-9408}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ElMafaalani2015, author = {El-Mafaalani, Aladin}, title = {Salafi-Punk}, series = {GDI-Impuls}, journal = {GDI-Impuls}, issn = {1422-0482}, year = {2015}, language = {mul} } @article{DreesmannRoettgersMellmannetal.2007, author = {Dreesmann, J. and R{\"o}ttgers, H. R. and Mellmann, A. and Pulz, M.}, title = {EHEC-Ausbruch mit 59 F{\"a}llen nach Rohmilchverzehr in einem Ferienlager}, series = {Das Gesundheitswesen}, journal = {Das Gesundheitswesen}, number = {3}, issn = {0941-3790}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{DreesmannPulzRoettgersetal.2008, author = {Dreesmann, J and Pulz, M. and R{\"o}ttgers, H. R. and Mellmann, A.}, title = {Zum Auftreten mehrerer EHEC-Informationen nach Rohmilchverzehr in einem Ferienlager}, series = {Epidemiologisches Bulletin}, journal = {Epidemiologisches Bulletin}, number = {2}, pages = {16 -- 18}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{DomschUfermann2023, author = {Domsch, Holger and Ufermann, Lara}, title = {Schulabsentismus: Eine Einf{\"u}hrung ins Themenfeld}, series = {Lernende Schule}, journal = {Lernende Schule}, number = {101}, issn = {1435-1692}, pages = {4 -- 8}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @article{DomschUfermann2023, author = {Domsch, Holger and Ufermann, Lara}, title = {Schulabsentismus: Eine Einf{\"u}hrung ins Themenfeld}, series = {Lernende Schule}, volume = {101}, journal = {Lernende Schule}, issn = {1435-1692}, pages = {4 -- 8}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Schulabsentismus als ernstzunehmendes Problem geht {\"u}ber vereinzeltes, ausprobierendes Schw{\"a}nzen als soziales Erlebnis hinaus.In welchen Formen zeigt es sich und welche m{\"o}glichen Gr{\"u}nde und Ursachenkomplexe liegen dem Verhalten zugrunde?}, language = {de} } @article{DomschThomasLohaus2010, author = {Domsch, Holger and Thomas, Hoben and Lohaus, Arnold}, title = {Infant attention, heart rate, and loooking time during habituation/dishabituation}, series = {Infant Behaviour and Development}, volume = {33}, journal = {Infant Behaviour and Development}, number = {3}, issn = {0163-6383}, pages = {321 -- 329}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{DomschRuhmlandLissmann2021, author = {Domsch, Holger and Ruhmland, Martina and Lissmann, Ilka}, title = {Knowledge and Feelings of Competence with Regard to ADHD Among Support Staff in All-Day Primary Schools}, series = {Sustainability}, journal = {Sustainability}, publisher = {MDPI}, doi = {10.25974/fhms-13824}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:836-opus-138246}, year = {2021}, abstract = {(1) Background: Schools report a high number of schoolchildren with poor attention and hyperactive behavior, with 5\% being diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This causes specific problems during homework and classroom times, and the extension of all-day schooling in German primary schools makes this a challenge for support staff working in the after-school programs. Such staff have a very wide variety of qualifications, ranging from no formal teacher training to full teaching qualifications. (2) Methods: This study documents the knowledge of 196 support staff working in all-day primary schools about ADHD, and their subjective view of whether they feel competent with regard to homework situations in general and ADHD in particular. (3) Results: Those with an educational background have significantly more knowledge than those without such a background, staff feel less prepared to supervise children with ADHD, and there is a small but significant correlation here with knowledge about ADHD. (4) Conclusions: The importance of trained pedagogical staff in the supervision of children with concentration problems is emphasized.}, language = {en} } @article{DomschRuhmlandLissmann2022, author = {Domsch, Holger and Ruhmland, Martina and Lissmann, Ilka}, title = {Effective but Not Feasible—What Support Staff in All-Day Primary Schools Think of Pedagogical Interventions with Regard to Children with ADHD}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {14}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {3}, doi = {10.3390/su14031393}, pages = {1393}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are faced with multiple challenges both in the classroom and in the homework situation. While there are many studies on pedagogical interventions by teachers in the classroom, this is hardly the case when it comes to support staff in after-school homework supervision. In this study, 196 support staff with different qualifications were asked not only about their knowledge of ADHD, their subjective level of stress, and whether they felt trained enough to work with children with ADHD, but also to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of 25 interventions in homework supervision. Overall, the respondents rated effectiveness higher than feasibility. Higher qualifications, greater knowledge, and better preparation went hand in hand with higher ratings of effectiveness. The more stressed the support staff feel themselves to be, the less feasible they rate the measures. The results underline the necessity of employing well-trained pedagogical staff to supervise children with ADHD. A number of interventions can be identified that the support staff deem to be both effective and feasible, and that promise a high level of implementation in practice. At the same time, more attention should be given to potential obstacles to using recommended measures in training and further education.}, language = {en} } @article{DomschLohausThomas2010, author = {Domsch, Holger and Lohaus, Arnold and Thomas, Hoben}, title = {Influences of information processing and disengagement in infants looking behaviour}, series = {Infant and Child Developement}, volume = {19}, journal = {Infant and Child Developement}, number = {2}, issn = {1522-7219}, doi = {10.1002/icd.647}, pages = {161 -- 174}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{DomschLohausThomas2009, author = {Domsch, Holger and Lohaus, Arnold and Thomas, Hoben}, title = {Learning and retention in 3- and 6-month-old infants: A comparison of different experimental paradigms}, series = {European Journal of Developmental Psychology}, volume = {6}, journal = {European Journal of Developmental Psychology}, number = {3}, issn = {1740-5629}, doi = {10.1080/17405620701269409}, pages = {396 -- 407}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{DomschLohausThomas2009, author = {Domsch, Holger and Lohaus, Arnold and Thomas, Hoben}, title = {Prediction of childhood cognitive abilities from a set of early indicators of information processing capabilities}, series = {Infant Behavior and Development}, volume = {32}, journal = {Infant Behavior and Development}, number = {1}, issn = {0163-6383}, pages = {91 -- 102}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{DomschLohaus2021, author = {Domsch, Holger and Lohaus, Arnold}, title = {Weitere F{\"o}rderprogramme}, series = {Psychologische F{\"o}rder- und Interventionsprogramme f{\"u}r das Kindes- und Jugendalter / Hrsg. Arnold Lohaus, Holger Domsch}, journal = {Psychologische F{\"o}rder- und Interventionsprogramme f{\"u}r das Kindes- und Jugendalter / Hrsg. Arnold Lohaus, Holger Domsch}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-662-61159-3}, pages = {413 -- 420}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{DomschKlaepkerKaertner2018, author = {Domsch, Holger and Kl{\"a}pker, Lena and K{\"a}rtner, Joscha}, title = {Zur Wirksamkeit des Marburger Konzentrationstrainings (MKT)}, series = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, volume = {27}, journal = {Kindheit und Entwicklung}, number = {4}, issn = {0942-5403}, pages = {220-228}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{DomschGraf2010, author = {Domsch, Holger and Graf, Antje}, title = {ADS und ADHS. Von den Vertr{\"a}umten und den Wilden}, series = {Schule heute}, volume = {50}, journal = {Schule heute}, number = {11}, issn = {0342-751X}, pages = {4 -- 8}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{DomschGraf2007, author = {Domsch, Holger and Graf, Antje}, title = {Das Marburger Konzentrationstraining (MKT)}, series = {Praxis Ergotherapie}, volume = {20}, journal = {Praxis Ergotherapie}, number = {5}, issn = {0932-9692}, pages = {257 -- 262}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{DomschGraf2012, author = {Domsch, Holger and Graf, Antje}, title = {Von den Vertr{\"a}umten und den Wilden}, series = {Beruflicher Bildungsweg}, volume = {53}, journal = {Beruflicher Bildungsweg}, number = {3/4}, issn = {0723-6522}, pages = {10 -- 13}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{DomschGraf2017, author = {Domsch, Holger and Graf, Antje}, title = {Bildung und Gesundheit: Stress lass nach!?}, series = {impu!se}, volume = {97}, journal = {impu!se}, issn = {1438-666}, pages = {10 -- 11}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{Domsch2022, author = {Domsch, Holger}, title = {Zum psychischen Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Corona(-stress) lass nach!?}, series = {Praxis Schulpsychologie}, journal = {Praxis Schulpsychologie}, number = {30}, issn = {2629-5156}, pages = {4 -- 6}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Domsch2023, author = {Domsch, Holger}, title = {Der unsichtbare Ranzen - Belastungen von Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}lern am Beispiel chronischer Erkrankungen}, series = {Lernende Schule}, volume = {103}, journal = {Lernende Schule}, issn = {1435-1692}, pages = {19 -- 20}, year = {2023}, abstract = {K{\"o}nnen und d{\"u}rfen Sch{\"u}ler:innen es sich leisten, krank zu sein, und wie f{\"u}hlen sie sich dabei? Ein EInblick in diese Problematik liefert im vorausgehenden Beitrag der Bericht einer betroffenen Sch{\"u}lerin, Sandra. In dem Beitrag werden anschließend auf einer fachlichen Ebende Belastungen von Chronischen Erkrankung im schulischen Kontext beleuchtet, W{\"u}nsche von Betroffenen benannt und Handlungsstrategien abgeleitet.}, language = {de} } @article{DillenburgerRoettgersDounavietal.2014, author = {Dillenburger, Karola and R{\"o}ttgers, Hanns-R{\"u}diger and Dounavi, Katerina and Sparkman, Coleen and Keenan, Mickey and Thyer, Bruce and Nikopolous, Christos}, title = {Multidisciplinary teamwork in Autism: Can one size fit all?}, series = {The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist}, volume = {1}, journal = {The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist}, issn = {1446-5442}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2014}, language = {mul} } @article{DillenburgerKeenanGallagheretal.2010, author = {Dillenburger, Karola and Keenan, Mickey and Gallagher, Stephen and Byrne, Tony and Martin, Neil and Stromgren, Borge and P{\´e}rez-Gonz{\´a}lez, Luis and R{\"o}ttgers, Hanns R{\"u}diger and Brugger, Bernhard}, title = {STAMPPP for Europe: Multi-Media, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Everything!}, series = {Abstracts des 5. Kongresses der European Association for Behaviour Analysis, Kreta, 21. bis 24. September 2010}, journal = {Abstracts des 5. Kongresses der European Association for Behaviour Analysis, Kreta, 21. bis 24. September 2010}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{DillenburgerKeenanGallagheretal.2010, author = {Dillenburger, Karola and Keenan, Mickey and Gallagher, Stephen and Byrne, Tony and Martin, Neil and Stromgren, Borge and P{\´e}rez-Gonz{\´a}lez, Luis and R{\"o}ttgers, Hanns R{\"u}diger and Brugger, Bernhard}, title = {STAMPPP for Europe: Multi-Media, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Everything!}, series = {Abstracts des 5. Kongresses der European Association for Behaviour Analysis, Kreta, 21. bis 24. September 2010}, journal = {Abstracts des 5. Kongresses der European Association for Behaviour Analysis, Kreta, 21. bis 24. September 2010}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{DeinetMueller2012, author = {Deinet, U. and M{\"u}ller, K.}, title = {Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit vor großen Herausforderungen}, series = {deutsche jugend}, volume = {Nr. 1}, journal = {deutsche jugend}, number = {60}, pages = {9 -- 17}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{DeTezanosPintoMazziottaFeuchte2017, author = {De Tezanos-Pinto, Pablo and Mazziotta, Agostino and Feuchte, Friederike}, title = {Intergroup contact and reconciliation among Liberian refugees: A multilevel analysis in a multi groups setting}, series = {Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology}, volume = {23}, journal = {Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology}, doi = {10.1037/pac0000251}, pages = {228 -- 238}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{deRubeisSuetterlinLangeetal.2016, author = {de Rubeis, J. and S{\"u}tterlin, S. and Lange, D. and Pawelzik, M. and van Randenborgh, A. and Victor, D. and V{\"o}gele, C.}, title = {Attachment Status Affects Heart Rate Responses to Experimental Ostracism in Inpatients with Depression}, series = {PloS one}, volume = {11(3)}, journal = {PloS one}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0150375}, pages = {e0150375.}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{ComoZipfelRoettgers2012, author = {Como-Zipfel, Frank and R{\"o}ttgers, Hanns R{\"u}diger}, title = {Erstes wissenschaftliches Kolloquium zur Verhaltensorientierten Sozialen Arbeit}, series = {Die Neue Hochschule}, journal = {Die Neue Hochschule}, number = {2-3}, pages = {85}, year = {2012}, language = {mul} } @article{Christina2010, author = {Christina, H{\"o}lzle}, title = {Das Mitarbeitergespr{\"a}ch - ein zentrales Instrument der Leitung und Personalentwicklung}, series = {Unsere Jugend}, volume = {1}, journal = {Unsere Jugend}, pages = {12 -- 22}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{Boesenberg1993, author = {B{\"o}senberg, Enka}, title = {Verteilungsmuster von Verkalkungen der Koronararterien. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Herz- und Kreislaufforschung, 23.-25.09.1993}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kardiologie (Supplement 3)}, volume = {82}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kardiologie (Supplement 3)}, year = {1993}, language = {de} } @article{Boesenberg1994, author = {B{\"o}senberg, Enka}, title = {Problematik der bakteriellen Infektion im Rahmen der H{\"a}motherapie}, series = {Transfusionsmedizin (Supplement 1)}, volume = {21}, journal = {Transfusionsmedizin (Supplement 1)}, pages = {51 -- 57}, year = {1994}, language = {de} }