@techreport{AndresHerkenhoffWallersheimetal.2018, author = {Andres, Christopher and Herkenhoff, Thomas and Wallersheim, Moritz and Woywod, Thorsten and W{\"o}rtler, Florian}, title = {IoT trifft Blockchain - Abschlussbericht zum Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt 2017/2018}, doi = {10.25974/fhms-1203}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:836-opus-12037}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der Abschlussbericht fasst die Ergebnisse des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojektes 2017/2018 im Studiengang Master of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik (FH M{\"u}nster) zur Themenstellung "IoT trifft Blockchain" zusammen. Ausgehend von der entwickelten Vision eines „digitalen Scheckheftes", das die Nutzungsdaten von Fahrzeugen und industriellen Anlagen f{\"a}lschungssicher erfasst und diese f{\"u}r cloud-basierte Analysen bereitstellt, wurden folgende Fragestellungen betrachtet: - Wie lassen sich personenbezogene Daten in einer {\"o}ffentlichen Blockchain ablegen und Zugriffsrechte hierauf individuell steuern? - Wie lassen sich Firmware-Updates f{\"u}r IoT-Ger{\"a}te durch den Einsatz einer Blockchain und eines dezentralen Dateisystems besser sch{\"u}tzen? - Welcher Ansatz eignet sich, um erfasste Maschinendaten redundant in verteil-ten Edge Devices zu sichern? - Welche Vor- und Nachteile hat die Inhouse-Verarbeitung gegen{\"u}ber einer externen IoT-Cloud-L{\"o}sung? Wie lassen sich Inhouse-L{\"o}sungen in die Angebote von Cloud-Anbietern migrieren? - Welche M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Integration und Verarbeitung von IoT-Daten bieten die IoT-Plattformen Amazon Web Services und Microsoft Azure? Wie grenzen sich diese voneinander ab? Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen wurden in Form von eigenst{\"a}ndigen Beitr{\"a}gen verfasst und in diesem Abschlussbericht zusammengetragen.}, subject = {Blockchain}, language = {de} } @techreport{BaakenDaveyMeermannetal.2018, author = {Baaken, Thomas and Davey, Todd and Meermann, Arno and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, Victoria and Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Melonari, Mihai}, title = {The State of German University-Business Cooperation: the university perspective}, publisher = {Publications Office of the EU}, address = {Brussels}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.32842.62405}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{BaakenMeermannDaveyetal.2018, author = {Baaken, Thomas and Meermann, Arno and Davey, Todd and Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, Victoria}, title = {The State of Polish University-Business Cooperation: the university perspective}, publisher = {Brussels}, address = {Publications Office of the EU}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.12592.00007}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{BaakenDaveyMeermannetal.2018, author = {Baaken, Thomas and Davey, Todd and Meermann, Arno and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, Victoria and Orazbayeva, Balzhan}, title = {The State of University-Business Cooperation in Europe, Report for the European Commission}, publisher = {Brussels}, address = {Publications Office of the European Union}, doi = {10.2766/676478}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{OrazbayevaGalanMurosAltmannetal.2018, author = {Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, Victoria and Altmann, Andreas and Ebersberger, Bernd and Davey, Todd and Meerman, Arno and Melonari, Mihai}, title = {The State of Austrian University-Business Cooperation: the university perspective}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.21282.07365}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{OrazbayevaGalanMurosAltmannetal.2018, author = {Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, Victoria and Altmann, Andreas and Ebersberger, Bernd and Davey, Todd and Meerman, Arno and Melonari, Mihai}, title = {The State of Austrian University-Business Cooperation: the business perspective}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.20259.71208}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{MeermanOrazbayevaAndonovaetal.2018, author = {Meerman, Arno and Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Andonova, Vihra and Davey, Todd and Galan-Muros, Victoria and Zinovyeva, Alexandra}, title = {The State of Bulgarian University-Business Cooperation: the university perspective}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.23090.86729}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{MeermanOrazbayevaAndonovaetal.2018, author = {Meerman, Arno and Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Andonova, Vihra and Davey, Todd and Galan-Muros, Victoria and Zinovyeva, Alexandra}, title = {The State of Bulgarian University-Business Cooperation: the business perspective}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.21937.43368}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{DaveyBiondicSingeretal.2018, author = {Davey, T and Biondic, I and Singer, S and Ranga, M and Meerman, A and Orazbayeva, B and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, V and Troutt, M and Melonari, M}, title = {The State of Croatian University-Business Cooperation: the university perspective}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.36512.64009}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @techreport{DaveyBiondicRangaetal.2018, author = {Davey, T and Biondic, I and Ranga, S and Meerman, A and Orazbayeva, B and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, V and Troutt, M and Melonari, M}, title = {The State of Croatian University-Business Cooperation: the business perspective}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.26970.59846}, year = {2018}, language = {en} }