@misc{BaakenDaveyGalanMuros2012, author = {Baaken, T. and Davey, T. and Gal{\´a}n-Muros, V.}, title = {University- Business Cooperation in Europe - Key Findings from a European Study. DG Education and Culture. European Commission. Brussels (Belgium) 20th March}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {Science-to-Business - Knowledge and Technology Sharing. University as an Enabler towards Strategic University-Industry Partnership, Vortrag auf dem THIRD ASEM UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS FORUM 2012 "DRIVING INNOVATION", PUTRA WORLD TRADE CENTRE, am 05/06.11.2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {Study on the Cooperation Between HEIs and Public and Private Organisations in Europe, Vortrag auf dem THIRD ASEM UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS FORUM 2012 "DRIVING INNOVATION", PUTRA WORLD TRADE CENTRE, am 05/06.11.2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {Marketing in der Praxis, Vortrag vor Vertretern der regionalen Industrie und Doktoranden des IHI Zittau im Seminar "Marketing in Praxis und Wissenschaft" von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Harland am 24.2.2012 in Zittau}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {International Marketing Research- Options and Benefits, Vortrag im MBA Programme der Christ University Bangalore am 09.03.2012 in Bangalore, Indien}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {La vinculaci{\´o}n de las instituciones de educaci{\´o}n superior con su entorno econ{\´o}mico en el contexto internacional Alemania, Centroam{\´e}rica y M{\´e}xico, Buchpr{\"a}sentation auf der Buchmesse "25 Feria Universitaria del Libro FUL" der Universidad Aut{\´o}noma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) am 25.08.2012 in Pachuca, Mexiko}, year = {2012}, language = {es} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {La vinculaci{\´o}n de las instituciones de educaci{\´o}n superior con su entorno econ{\´o}mico en el contexto internacional Alemania, Centroam{\´e}rica y M{\´e}xico, Buchpr{\"a}sentation an der Tecnol{\´o}gico de Costa Rica am 20.08.2012 in San Jos{\´e}/Cartago, Costa Rica}, year = {2012}, language = {es} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {Wissenschaftstransfers zu Unternehmen - oder - Science-to-Business Marketing?, Vortrag auf dem Science Sailing Workshop "Energiewende als Chance", Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universit{\"a}t Greifswald am 12. Juli 2012 in Greifswald}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {Insights and Results of a Recent Study on University-Business Cooperation (UBC) in Europe, Vortrag auf der Konferenz VI International Forum from Science to Business am 17.05.2012 in St. Petersburg, Russland}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @misc{Baaken2012, author = {Baaken, Thomas}, title = {Cross-Border Technology Transfer, Vortrag auf der 2nd German-Russian Day of Knowledge and Technology Transfer "Innovationstream - Pipline for Knowledge and Technology Transfer", INP Greifswald, am 24.05.2012 in Greifswald}, year = {2012}, language = {en} }