@article{NeffeWilderomLattuch2020, author = {Neffe, C. and Wilderom, C. P. M. and Lattuch, F.}, title = {Leader behaviour of family and non-family executives in German family firms}, series = {Management Research Review}, volume = {43}, journal = {Management Research Review}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1108/MRR-12-2018-0468}, pages = {885 -- 907}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Purpose. Several studies of family firm failures have pointed to non-family members in leading positions as a reason. However, non-family members have often played a key role in family-firm longevity, while non-family executives' involvement in family firms is increasing. These non-family executives who (co-)run family firms are thought to require an almost impossible set of behavioural qualities. The aim of this exploratory study is to find out how specific leader behaviours of effective family executives and non-family executives may differ. Design/methodology/approach. Based on Dulewicz and Higgs' (2005) broad leadership frame, the authors draw attention to a large range of behaviours of family-firm executives. In-depth interviews were conducted with successful German executives, both family and non-family ones. Their answers had to contain specific behavioural examples. Findings. More behavioural similarities than differences are shown between family- and non-family-based executives. Yet, the self-reflective communicative behavioural qualities of the non-family executives could balance a lack of such qualities among the family-based executives. Based on the three major differences - decision-making style, communication versatility and self-awareness - specific new research propositions are distilled about effective family firm leadership. Originality/value. Practical suggestions for recruiting non-family executives are offered. Future quantitative longitudinal research on how to pair specific behavioural qualities of family and non-family based executives that optimise family-firm longevity is urgently needed.}, language = {en} } @article{LattuchHickey2020, author = {Lattuch, F. and Hickey, R. B.}, title = {From intention to action: An organizational learning case of implementing Building Information Modeling}, series = {Development and Learning in Organizations}, volume = {34}, journal = {Development and Learning in Organizations}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1108/DLO-05-2019-0114}, pages = {1 -- 4}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to examine the successful implementation of a digital work method named Building Information Modelling (BIM) and make recommendations to help organizations better test and implement innovative work approaches. Learning experiences not only provide insights into the building sector, but also into any organization interested in culture and effective response mechanisms during technological change. Design/methodology/approach. By applying a critical incident technique, BIM experts at one mid-sized case organization were interviewed to examine the learning experiences from converting implementation intentions into actions. The information from these interviews was used to formulate a number of practical recommendations. Findings. The interviews outlined the various development opportunities that implementing new digital methods may offer for senior management and staff. Investing in small projects that work and the corresponding behavioral change required, together with regular project reviews, all help to build unique capabilities and to frame a culture that supports organizational development. Originality/value. The discussion of the various benefits and conditions under which new technology implementation can improve organizational learning provides practitioners with insights into how effectively to convert change intentions into action.}, language = {en} } @article{NeffeWilderomLattuch2020, author = {Neffe, C. and Wilderom, C. P. M. and Lattuch, F.}, title = {Family-Firm Transformational Leadership, Familiness, and Performance}, series = {Academy of Management Proceedings}, volume = {2020}, journal = {Academy of Management Proceedings}, number = {1}, doi = {10.5465/AMBPP.2020.13125abstract}, pages = {. -- .}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Familiness is considered one of the most valuable assets of family firms. But how familiness-related forces at the top management level of family firms may work their way into positive firm performance has not been addressed empirically before. The present field study couples upper-echelon theory with team-leadership theory and examines the effects of the transformational leadership style (TFL) of family- based CEOs in top management team (TMT) processes and on firm performance. Survey measures were gathered from 72 CEOs of German family firms as well as from 245 members of their TMTs. We tested the aggregated firm-level data, including objective firm-performance indicators of the 72 German family firms they led. Support was obtained for a four-path mediation model, in which three distinct familiness-related team forces (TMT cohesion, behavioral integration, and efficacy) serve as mediators between CEO TFL and family-firm performance in a series. With our model we focus on the under- researched area of familiness vis-{\`a}-vis family-firm performance. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed, and suggestions are offered for new avenues of family-firm familiness inquiry.}, language = {en} } @article{BimbergBuschmannGardemann2020, author = {Bimberg, Larissa and Buschmann, Annika and Gardemann, Joachim}, title = {Notwendigkeit, Eignung und Anleitung zur Herstellung: Infektionsschutzhauben bei Kontakt mit SARS-CoV-2}, series = {Im Einsatz}, volume = {27}, journal = {Im Einsatz}, number = {Juni 2020}, issn = {1617-4283}, pages = {136 -- 137}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Nach dem Vorbild der Schutzkleidung w{\"a}hrend der Ebola-Epidemie 2014 wurden Infektionsschutzhauben (hoods)zur Selbstherstellung f{\"u}r den Pflege- und Rettungsdienst entworfen.}, language = {de} } @article{Gardemann2020, author = {Gardemann, Joachim}, title = {Mars-"Kan{\"a}le"}, series = {Spektrum der Wissenschaft}, volume = {2020}, journal = {Spektrum der Wissenschaft}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2020}, abstract = {visuelle Beobachtung des Planeten Mars, optische T{\"a}uschung in Form gerader Linien.}, language = {de} } @article{KeuterGardemann2020, author = {Keuter, Carina and Gardemann, Joachim}, title = {Das Refeeding-Syndrom: Eine untersch{\"a}tzte Komplikation bei mangelern{\"a}hrten Patienten}, series = {Rettungsdienst}, volume = {43/2020}, journal = {Rettungsdienst}, number = {11}, issn = {0178-2525}, pages = {86 -- 91}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Das Refeeding-Syndrom als Komplikation einer Realimentation mit Kohlenhydraten ist aus der internationalen Nothilfe bestens bekannt und gef{\"u}rchtet. Auch f{\"u}r den hiesigen Rettungsdienst stellt das Refeeding-Syndrom bei der Erstversorgung extrem mangelern{\"a}hrter Patienten eine Herausforderung dar, die jedoch als drohende Komplikation leicht erkannt und dann gefahrlos vermieden werden kann.}, language = {de} } @article{NentwigKoenigWassmannetal.2020, author = {Nentwig, Guilia and K{\"o}nig, Laura Davi{\~n}a and Wassmann, Kim Marie and Winter, Damian and Schack, Pirjo Susanne}, title = {Nachhaltige Gemeinschaftsverpflegung im Quartier: Potentiale sozialer Praktiken aus dem {\"O}kodorf Sieben Linden}, series = {Hauswirtschaft und Wissenschaft}, journal = {Hauswirtschaft und Wissenschaft}, issn = {2626-0913}, doi = {10.23782/HUW_13_2020}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Um die Außer-Haus-Verpflegung auf Quartiersebene nachhaltiger zu gestalten, greift das vorliegende Paper auf das Good Practice Beispiel des {\"O}kodorfs Sieben Linden zur{\"u}ck. Dessen Verpflegungskonzept wird insbesondere unter dem Ge-sichtspunkt sozialer Praktiken untersucht. Trotz struktureller Unterschiede lassen sich einige der im {\"O}kodorf angewandten sozialen Praktiken - teils in angepasster Form - auf die Entwicklung eines Mittagstisches im Quartier {\"u}bertragen. Wie im {\"O}kodorf k{\"o}nnen auch im Quartier zahlreich „Interlocking-Effekte" durch einen ge-meinsam organisierten, nachhaltigen Mittagstisch entstehen.}, language = {de} } @article{KranzEnglert2020, author = {Kranz, Ragna-Marie and Englert, Heike}, title = {Entwicklung des Lebensstilprogramms „Gemeinsam Gesund"}, series = {Pr{\"a}vention und Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung}, journal = {Pr{\"a}vention und Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung}, doi = {10.1007/s11553-020-00759-z}, pages = {1 -- 7}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Hintergrund. Zivilisationserkrankungen (NCD) werden in Deutschland mit nahezu allen Sterbef{\"a}llen assoziiert. Durch einen gesunden Lebensstil l{\"a}sst sich das Erkran-kungsrisiko jedoch maßgeblich beeinflussen. Daraus leitet sich ein großes Potenzial f{\"u}r Lebensstilinterventionen zur Pr{\"a}vention und Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung ab. Das community-basierte Lebensstilprogramm „Gemeinsam Gesund" kombiniert verhaltens- und verh{\"a}ltnispr{\"a}ventive Maßnahmen zur NCD-Pr{\"a}vention. Fragestellung. Wie l{\"a}sst sich das Programm „Gemeinsam Gesund" mithilfe des Interven-tion-Mapping-Ansatzes (IMA) entwickeln und strukturieren? Methodik. Die Planung des Lebensstil-programms erfolgte mithilfe des IMA. Die theoretische Planungsmethode erm{\"o}g-lichte eine in Teilschritte untergliederte Programmentwicklung, die von einer Analyse der Ausgangssituation und Zielfindung {\"u}ber die Maßnahmenfestlegung bis hin zur Evaluationsplanung reichte. Ergebnisse. Die Bedarfs- und Bestandsanalyse (Schritt I) konnte die Bedarfe und bereits eta-blierte Gesundheitsangebote der Community aufzeigen. Daraus konnten konkrete Ziele ent-wickelt (Schritt II) sowie Maßnahmenformate und -inhalte (Schritt III) festgelegt werden. Es wurden Gesundheitschecks und ein 10-w{\"o}chiges intensives Lebensstilprogramm mit anschließenden Alumni-Treffen konzipiert. F{\"u}r alle Interventionsinhalte wurden Materialien entwickelt (Schritt IV) und die Akteure f{\"u}r die Implementierung vor Ort identifiziert (Schritt V). F{\"u}r die Evaluation (Schritt VI) wurde eine Kombination aus einer Effekt- und Prozessevaluation geplant. Diskussion. Der IMA eignet sich gut zur Planung von komplexen Lebensstilprogram-men. Die Anwendung der Methode konnte zu einer sehr zielgruppenorientierten Inter-ventionsentwicklung beitragen, wenngleich einige Abweichungen von der normalen Vorgehensweise des IMA notwendig waren.}, language = {de} } @article{Kraemer2020, author = {Kr{\"a}mer, Michael}, title = {Quadratur des Kreises gescheitert}, series = {Report Psychologie}, volume = {45}, journal = {Report Psychologie}, number = {2}, issn = {0344-9602}, pages = {26 -- 27}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Verb{\"a}ndeanh{\"o}rung im Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Gesundheit zur Neufassung der Approbationsordnung offenbarte wesentliche Schwachstellen des novellierten Psychotherapeutengesetzes. Gravierende Nachteile f{\"u}r Patientinnen und Patienten sowie f{\"u}r den Berufsstand sind absehbar.}, language = {de} } @article{OchFischerMarquardt2020, author = {Och, U. and Fischer, T. and Marquardt, T.}, title = {Ern{\"a}hrungstherapie bei angeborenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Teil 2: St{\"o}rungen des Aminos{\"a}urestoffwechsels}, series = {Ern{\"a}hrungs Umschau}, volume = {67}, journal = {Ern{\"a}hrungs Umschau}, number = {10}, pages = {M606 -- M619}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{OchFischerMarquardt2020, author = {Och, U. and Fischer, T. and Marquardt, T.}, title = {Ern{\"a}hrungstherapie bei angeborenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Teil 1: Allgemeine Einf{\"u}hrung}, series = {Ern{\"a}hrungs Umschau}, volume = {67}, journal = {Ern{\"a}hrungs Umschau}, number = {10}, pages = {M602 -- M605}, year = {2020}, language = {de} }