@inproceedings{KrakauFeldmannKaupe2021, author = {Krakau, Jan and Feldmann, Carsten and Kaupe, Victor}, title = {Robotic Process Automation in Logistics: Implementation Model and Factors of Success}, series = {Adapting to the Future: Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) - 32 / Hrsg. Carlos Jahn, Wolfgang Kersten, Christian Ringle}, booktitle = {Adapting to the Future: Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) - 32 / Hrsg. Carlos Jahn, Wolfgang Kersten, Christian Ringle}, isbn = {978-3-754927-71-7}, doi = {10.15480/882.4005}, pages = {219 -- 256}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{KrakauFeldmannKaupe2022, author = {Krakau, Jan and Feldmann, Carsten and Kaupe, Victor}, title = {Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in der Logistik: Vorgehensmodell und Erfolgsfaktoren f{\"u}r die Implementierung}, series = {Industrie 4.0 Management}, volume = {38}, journal = {Industrie 4.0 Management}, issn = {2364-9208}, pages = {35 -- 40}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{FeldmannKrakauKaupe2022, author = {Feldmann, Carsten and Krakau, Jan and Kaupe, Victor}, title = {Robotic Process Automation in der Logistik: Implementierung und Erfolgsfaktoren}, series = {Praxishandbuch Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Von der Prozessanalyse bis zum Betrieb}, booktitle = {Praxishandbuch Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Von der Prozessanalyse bis zum Betrieb}, editor = {Feldmann, Carsten}, publisher = {Springer-Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3658383787}, publisher = {FH M{\"u}nster - University of Applied Sciences}, pages = {187 -- 212}, year = {2022}, language = {de} }