@inproceedings{AltherrEdererLorenzetal.2016, author = {Altherr, Lena C. and Ederer, Thorsten and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, P. F. and P{\"o}ttgen, Philipp}, title = {Experimental Validation of an Enhanced System Synthesis Approach}, series = {Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR)}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR)}, publisher = {Springer}, issn = {0721-5924}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AltherrEdererSchaenzleetal.2015, author = {Altherr, Lena C. and Ederer, Thorsten and Sch{\"a}nzle, Christian and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, P. F.}, title = {Algorithmic System Design Using Scaling and Affinity Laws}, series = {Operations Research Proceedings 2015: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2015: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AltherrEdererLorenzetal.2016, author = {Altherr, Lena C. and Ederer, Thorsten and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, P. F. and P{\"o}ttgen, Philipp}, title = {Designing a Feedback Control System via Mixed-Integer Programming}, series = {Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research}, editor = {L{\"u}bbecke, Marco E. and Koster, Arie and Letmathe, Peter and Madlener, Reihard and Peis, Britta and Walther, Grit}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-28695-2}, pages = {121 -- 127}, year = {2016}, language = {en} }