@article{MuellerNordhornEnglertWegscheideretal.2008, author = {M{\"u}ller-Nordhorn, J. and Englert, Heike and Wegscheider, K. and Berger, H. and Sonntag, F. and V{\"o}ller, H. and Meyer-Sabellek, W. and Reinhold, T. and Windler, E. and Katus, HA. and Willich, SN.}, title = {Productivity loss as a major component of disease-related costs in patients with hypercholesterolemia in Germany}, series = {Clin Res Cardiol}, volume = {97}, journal = {Clin Res Cardiol}, issn = {1861-0692}, pages = {152-9 -- -}, year = {2008}, language = {en} }