@misc{BaakenvonHagenPlewa2004, author = {Baaken, Thomas and von Hagen, Friederike and Plewa, Carolin}, title = {A Study of Research Customers: Overall Satisfaction and Recommendations for Improvements, Vortrag bei der Australian \& New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference am 29.11-01.12.2004 in Wellington, Neuseeland}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @incollection{BaakenDaveyGalanMurosetal.2014, author = {Baaken, Thomas and Davey, Todd and Galan Muros, Victoria and Meerman, Arno and von Hagen, Friederike}, title = {A Comparison of the State of University Business Cooperation in Germany and Poland}, series = {Baaken, T.; Teczke, J. (eds): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation}, booktitle = {Baaken, T.; Teczke, J. (eds): Managing Disruption and Destabilisation}, edition = {1. Aufl}, address = {Cracow}, isbn = {978-3-938137-49-9}, pages = {261 -- 280}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BaakenvonHagenKurzhals2014, author = {Baaken, Thomas and von Hagen, Friederike and Kurzhals, Kerstin}, title = {Creative Coupling - a key opportunity for success in transfer}, series = {Presentation at the UIIN University Industry Conference 2014, 24.04.2014, Barcelona, Spain}, booktitle = {Presentation at the UIIN University Industry Conference 2014, 24.04.2014, Barcelona, Spain}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @misc{BaakenvonHagen2015, author = {Baaken, Thomas and von Hagen, Friederike}, title = {"Tools and approaches in S2B Marketing to market research findings", presentation within the FP7 project "FP4BATIW project - Fostering partnerships for the implementation of best available technologies \& management in the Mediterranean" am 26.10.2015 in Tunis/Susah, Tunisia}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{BaakenvonHagenOrazbayevaetal.2016, author = {Baaken, Thomas and von Hagen, Friederike and Orazbayeva, Balzhan and Riemenschneider, Frank}, title = {Involving Bachelor and Master Students in Industry Projects - The Triple Win Education}, series = {Educational Alternatives}, volume = {14(1)}, journal = {Educational Alternatives}, pages = {34 -- 48}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @misc{BaakenvonHagen2018, author = {Baaken, Thomas and von Hagen, Friederike}, title = {Challenge centered Teaching and Learning Concepts: Including real World Projects for SMEs into the Curriculum, Vortrag auf ICTIS / S2B International Conference - the 4th Indunesian Conference on Tech¬nology, Innovation, Society and Science-to-Business, am 26.07.2018 in Padang, Indonesia}, year = {2018}, language = {en} }