@article{SchwanitzMichalik2017, author = {Schwanitz, Johannes and Michalik, Alexander}, title = {Kausale Zeitreihenanalysen mit dem Elastizit{\"a}tsdiagramm am Beispiel der Preisreaktionen von Kraftstoffen}, series = {Controller Magazin}, volume = {42. Jahrgang}, journal = {Controller Magazin}, number = {1}, issn = {1616-0495}, pages = {85 -- 88}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WiethoelterSalingreFeldmannetal.2023, author = {Wieth{\"o}lter, Jost and Salingr{\´e}, Jan and Feldmann, Carsten and Schwanitz, Johannes and Niessing, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Exploring Customer Journey Mining and RPA: Prediction of Customers' Next Touchpoint}, series = {Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation and Educators Forum}, booktitle = {Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation and Educators Forum}, editor = {K{\"o}pke, Julius and Plattfaut, Ralf and Gdowska, Katarzyna and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and van der Werf, Jan Martijn and L{\´o}pez-Pintado, Orlenys and Rehse, Jana-Rebecca and Gonzalez-Lopez, Fernanda and Smit, Koen}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-031-43432-7}, issn = {1865-1348}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43433-4}, pages = {181 -- 196}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In-depth analysis of customer journeys to broaden the understanding of customer behaviors and expectations in order to improve the customer experience is considered highly relevant in modern business practices. Recent studies predominantly focus on retrospective analysis of customer data, whereas more forward-directed concepts, namely predictions, are rarely addressed. Additionally, the integration of robotic process automation (RPA) to potentially increase the efficiency of customer journey analysis is not discussed in the current field of research. To fill this research gap, this paper introduces "customer journey mining". Process mining techniques are applied to leverage digital customer data for accurate prediction of customer movements through individual journeys, creating valuable insights for improving the customer experience. Striving for improved efficiency, the potential interplay of RPA and customer journey mining is examined accordingly. The research methodology followed is based on a design science research process. An initially defined customer journey mining artifact is operationalized through an illustrative case study. This operationalization is achieved by analyzing a log file of an online travel agency functioning as an orientation for researchers and practitioners while also evaluating the initially defined framework. The data is used to train seven distinct prediction models to forecast the touchpoint a customer is most likely to visit next. Gradient-boosted trees yield the highest prediction accuracy with 43.1\%. The findings further indicate technical suitability for RPA implementation, while financial viability is unlikely.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ZiegenbeinSchwanitzLengers2014, author = {Ziegenbein, Ralf and Schwanitz, Johannes and Lengers, Jochen}, title = {Tool-Based Management}, series = {Ralf Ziegenbein, Handbuch Lean-Konzepte f{\"u}r den Mittelstand}, booktitle = {Ralf Ziegenbein, Handbuch Lean-Konzepte f{\"u}r den Mittelstand}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Fachhochschule M{\"u}nster}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, isbn = {978-3-938137-43-7}, pages = {281 -- 304}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{Schwanitz2017, author = {Schwanitz, Johannes}, title = {Analyse des Preisanpassungsverhaltens von Kraftstoffen mithilfe des Elastizit{\"a}tsdiagramms}, series = {Stefan Kirmße, Andreas Rinker, Olaf Scheer, Patrick Tegeder: Aktuelle Entwicklungslinien in der Finanzwirtschaft - Teil 1}, booktitle = {Stefan Kirmße, Andreas Rinker, Olaf Scheer, Patrick Tegeder: Aktuelle Entwicklungslinien in der Finanzwirtschaft - Teil 1}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Fritz Knapp}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, isbn = {978-3-8314-0868-9}, pages = {517 -- 531}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Schwanitz2016, author = {Schwanitz, Johannes}, title = {Bedeutung und Einsatz von Managementtools im Workplace Support}, series = {Michael Lister, Bernd Rolfes, Stefan Kirmße: Management in Kreditinstituten und Unternehmen - ein Querschnitt aktueller Entwicklungen}, booktitle = {Michael Lister, Bernd Rolfes, Stefan Kirmße: Management in Kreditinstituten und Unternehmen - ein Querschnitt aktueller Entwicklungen}, edition = {1.}, publisher = {Fritz Knapp}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, isbn = {978-3-8314-0867-2}, pages = {455 -- 461}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{WiethoelterSalingreFeldmannetal.2023, author = {Wieth{\"o}lter, Jost and Salingr{\´e}, Jan and Feldmann, Carsten and Schwanitz, Johannes and Niessing, Joerg}, title = {Exploring Customer Journey Mining and RPA: Prediction of Customers' Next Touchpoint}, series = {Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation and Educators Forum. BPM 2023. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 491. J. K{\"o}pke (ed.)}, booktitle = {Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation and Educators Forum. BPM 2023. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 491. J. K{\"o}pke (ed.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-43432-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-43433-4_12}, publisher = {FH M{\"u}nster - University of Applied Sciences}, pages = {181 -- 196}, year = {2023}, language = {en} }