@incollection{GloesekoetterProstPachaetal.2002, author = {Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P. and Prost, W. and Pacha, C. and Kim, S. O. and van Husen, H. and Reimann, T. and Tegude, F.- J. and Goser, K. F.}, title = {Pseudo Dynamic Gate Design based on the Resonant-Tunneling-Bipolar-Transistor (RTBT)}, series = {32nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)}, booktitle = {32nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)}, edition = {Sept. 24-26}, address = {Florence, Italy}, year = {2002}, language = {en} } @incollection{ProstKimGloesekoetteretal.2002, author = {Prost, W. and Kim, S. O. and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P. and Pacha, C. and van Husen, H. and Reimann, T. and Goser, K. F. and Tegude, F.- J.}, title = {Experimental Threshold Logic implementations based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes}, series = {Sepc. Session on "Implementation and Applications of Threshold Logic" of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuit and Systems}, booktitle = {Sepc. Session on "Implementation and Applications of Threshold Logic" of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuit and Systems}, edition = {Sept. 15-18}, address = {Dubrovnik, Croatia}, year = {2002}, language = {mul} } @incollection{GloesekoetterProstPachaetal.2002, author = {Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P. and Prost, W. and Pacha, C. and Kim, S. O. and van Husen, H. and Reimann, T. and Tegude, F.- J. and Goser, K. F.}, title = {Asynchronous Circuit Design Based on the RTBT Monostable-Bistable-Logic-Transiton-Element (MOBILE)}, series = {15th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design, Chip in the Pampa}, booktitle = {15th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design, Chip in the Pampa}, edition = {Sept. 9-14}, address = {Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil}, year = {2002}, language = {en} } @article{GloesekoetterProstPachaetal.2003, author = {Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P. and Prost, W. and Pacha, C. and Kim, S. O. and van Husen, H. and Reimann, T. and Tegude, F.- J. and Goser, K. F.}, title = {Circuit and Application Asepects of Tunneling Devices in a MOBILE configuration}, series = {Special Issue of the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications "Nanoelectronic Circuit", 31:83-103 (invited paper)}, journal = {Special Issue of the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications "Nanoelectronic Circuit", 31:83-103 (invited paper)}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @incollection{ProstGloesekoetterKimetal.2002, author = {Prost, W. and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P. and Kim, S. O. and van Husen, H. and Reimann, T. and Goser, K. F. and Tegude, F.- J.}, title = {High-speed operation of InP-based RTD/HBT MOBILE}, series = {26th WOCSDICE}, booktitle = {26th WOCSDICE}, edition = {May 21-26}, address = {Chernogolovka, Russia}, year = {2002}, language = {en} } @incollection{GloesekoetterProstPachaetal.2001, author = {Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P. and Prost, W. and Pacha, C. and Kim, S. O. and van Husen, H. and Reimann, T. and Tegude, F.- J. and Goser, K. F.}, title = {Design and Simulation of Pseudo Dynamic Logic Circuits Based on RTBTs}, series = {13th Workshop on Physical Simulation of Semiconductor Devices}, booktitle = {13th Workshop on Physical Simulation of Semiconductor Devices}, edition = {March 25-26}, address = {Ilkley, West Yorkshire, UK}, year = {2001}, language = {en} }