@incollection{RebelEstevezGloesekoetter2015, author = {Rebel, Gregor and Estevez, Francisco and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, Peter}, title = {Energy Efficiency Study of representative Microcontrollers for Wearable Electonics}, series = {International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering}, booktitle = {International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing Switzerland}, address = {Granada (Spain)}, pages = {65 -- 76}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{RomeroEstevezRebeletal.2015, author = {Romero, Adrian and Estevez, Francisco and Rebel, Gregor and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, Peter and Conz{\´a}les, Jes{\´u}s}, title = {Distance Estimate with Ultra Wide Band in Interior Environments}, series = {Proceedings of Jornadas de Computaci{\´o}n Empotrada de Espana (JCE)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Jornadas de Computaci{\´o}n Empotrada de Espana (JCE)}, address = {Cordoba (Spain)}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @misc{TsekouraRebelBerekovicetal.2014, author = {Tsekoura, Ioanna and Rebel, Gregor and Berekovic, Mladen and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P.}, title = {An evaluation of energy efficient microcontrollers}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @misc{EstevezRebelJoseetal.2014, author = {Estevez, Francisco and Rebel, Gregor and Jose, M. and Castillo-Secilla, Jes{\´u}s and Gonz{\´a}les, Peter}, title = {Cognitive Radio as solution for Saturation Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks: A survey of Cognitive Radio policies}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @misc{RebelEstevezTsekouraetal.2014, author = {Rebel, Gregor and Estevez, Francisco and Tsekoura, Ioanna and Schulz, Ingo and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P.}, title = {Interrupt aware Queue Implementation for Energy Efficient Multitasking Systems based on Cortex-M3 Architecture}, year = {2014}, language = {en} }