@article{KeilPaulsenRosneretal.2022, author = {Keil, J.-N. and Paulsen, C. and Rosner, F. and P{\"o}ttgen, R. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {Crystallographic and Photoluminescence Studies on the Solid Solution Li3Ba2La3-xPrx(WO4)8 (x = 0-3}, series = {J. Luminescence}, volume = {252}, journal = {J. Luminescence}, doi = {10.1016/j.jlumin.2022.119415}, pages = {119415}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @incollection{BertauJuestelPoettgenetal.2022, author = {Bertau, M. and J{\"u}stel, T. and P{\"o}ttgen, R. and Strassert, C.A. and Busch, F.}, title = {Chemical Products: Gradients, Energy Balances, Entropy}, series = {Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Edited by R. P{\"o}ttgen, T. J{\"u}stel and C.A. Strassert}, booktitle = {Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Edited by R. P{\"o}ttgen, T. J{\"u}stel and C.A. Strassert}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, doi = {10.1515/9783110733471-005}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @article{GugułaEntrupStegemannetal.2017, author = {Guguła, K. and Entrup, M. and Stegemann, L. and Seidel, S. and P{\"o}ttgen, R. and Strassert, C. A. and Bredol, M.}, title = {Solid solution quantum dots with tunable dual- or ultra-broadband emission for LEDs}, series = {ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces}, volume = {9}, journal = {ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces}, number = {1}, issn = {1944-8244}, doi = {10.1021/acsami.6b08190}, pages = {521 -- 528}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @incollection{HermesLovrincicJuesteletal.2022, author = {Hermes, W. and Lovrincic, R. and J{\"u}stel, T. and P{\"o}ttgen, R. and Strassert, C.A. and Busch, F.}, title = {Inorganic Detetor Materials}, series = {Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Edited by R. P{\"o}ttgen, T. J{\"u}stel and C.A. Strassert}, booktitle = {Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Edited by R. P{\"o}ttgen, T. J{\"u}stel and C.A. Strassert}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, doi = {10.1515/9783110733471-005}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @incollection{HaberkampJuestelPoettgen2022, author = {Haberkamp, J. and J{\"u}stel, T. and P{\"o}ttgen, R.}, title = {Water, Mineral Acids and Bases in Applied Inorganic Chemistry}, series = {Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Edited by R. P{\"o}ttgen, T. J{\"u}stel and C.A. Strassert}, booktitle = {Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Edited by R. P{\"o}ttgen, T. J{\"u}stel and C.A. Strassert}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, doi = {10.1515/9783110733471-020}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @article{KoestersBoehnischJuesteletal.2024, author = {K{\"o}sters, J. and B{\"o}hnisch, D. and J{\"u}stel, T. and P{\"o}ttgen, R.}, title = {Diguanidinium hexafluoridogermanate (IV)  an organic-inorganic hybrid salt with an antifluorite topology}, series = {Z. Naturforschung B}, volume = {79}, journal = {Z. Naturforschung B}, doi = {10.1515/znb-2024-0007}, pages = {1}, year = {2024}, language = {de} }