@inproceedings{MuellerFischerJuestel2015, author = {M{\"u}ller, M. and Fischer, S. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {Luminescence of co-doped Sr5MgLa2(BO3)6:Ce3+,Mn2+}, series = {Int. Conf. on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, Budva, Montenegro}, booktitle = {Int. Conf. on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, Budva, Montenegro}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BoesHagemannMuellerAlbaryaketal.2018, author = {Boes, R.M. and Hagemann-M{\"u}ller, M. and Albaryak, I. and M{\"u}ller, B. and Caspescha, L. and Flepp, A. and Jacobs, F. and Auel, C.}, title = {Sediment bypass tunnels: Swiss experiences with bypass efficiency and abrasion-resistant invert materials}, series = {VINGT SIXI{\`E}ME CONGR{\`E}S DES GRANDS BARRAGES, Vienne, Juillet 2018}, booktitle = {VINGT SIXI{\`E}ME CONGR{\`E}S DES GRANDS BARRAGES, Vienne, Juillet 2018}, publisher = {COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DES GRANDES BARRAGES}, doi = {10.25974/fhms-15139}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:836-opus-151399}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this paper typical bypass efficiencies of sediment bypass tunnels (SBTs) used to counter reservoir sedimentation are described, distinguishing between two layouts of the tunnel intake. It results that SBTs are an effective measure to reduce the sedimentation of dam reservoirs, particularly of type (A) with intake at the reservoir head. The hydroabrasive wear of tunnel inverts is significant and has to be mitigated by using adequate invert liners. The invert abrasion can be estimated based on an abrasion model where a correct input value of the bed material resistance coefficient is paramount to limit model uncertainties. Based on abrasion measurements at prototype SBTs typical values of the material resistance coefficient are recommended for high-strength concrete, natural stones and steel liners. The field experiences gathered so far and the comparison of various invert materials suggest granite pavers as a promising lining material for severe abrasion conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{SquillanteJuestelRRAndersonetal.2018, author = {Squillante, M. and J{\"u}stel, T. and R.R. Anderson, and Brecher, C. and Chartier, D. and Christian, J. F. and Ciccehti, N. and Espinoza, S. and McAdams, D. R. and M{\"u}ller, M. and Tornifolgio, B. and Wang, Y. and Purschke, M.}, title = {Fabrication and Characterization of UV Emitting Nanoparticles as Novel Radiation Sensitizers Targeting Hypoxic Tumor Cells}, series = {Opt. Materials}, volume = {80}, journal = {Opt. Materials}, doi = {10.1016/j.optmat.2018.04.033}, pages = {197 -- 202}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MuellerPetryPoettgenetal.2013, author = {M{\"u}ller, M. and Petry, R. and Poettgen, R. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {Novel White Emitting Phosphor as Converter for White UV-LEDs}, series = {REEC, M{\"u}nster, Germany}, booktitle = {REEC, M{\"u}nster, Germany}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerEspinozaJuesteletal.2019, author = {M{\"u}ller, M. and Espinoza, S. and J{\"u}stel, T. and Held, K.D. and R. Anderson, and Purschke, M.}, title = {UVC emitting LuPO4:Pr3+ nanoparticles decrease radiation resistance of hypoxic cancer cells}, series = {Radiation Research}, volume = {193 (2019)}, journal = {Radiation Research}, doi = {10.1667/RR15491.1}, pages = {82}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @misc{MertinsMuellerGumlich1993, author = {Mertins, H.-Ch. and M{\"u}ller, M. and Gumlich, H.-E.}, title = {Excitation of luminescence of II--Mn--VI--compounds by synchrotron radiation, German Polish Symposium on Physics of Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Jachranka, Polen 7.6.--9.6.}, year = {1993}, language = {en} } @incollection{KallisPoloczekMuelleretal.2017, author = {Kallis, K. T. and Poloczek, R. R. and M{\"u}ller, M. R. and Seiffert, M. and Brabender, S. and Fiedler, H. L. and Gl{\"o}sek{\"o}tter, P.}, title = {On-Chip versus Off-Chip-Nanosensor Readout Strategies}, series = {Quantum Matter}, booktitle = {Quantum Matter}, edition = {Vol. 6, Nr. 1}, publisher = {American Scientific Publishers}, doi = {10.1166/qm.2017.1397}, pages = {50 -- 53}, year = {2017}, language = {mul} } @article{MuellerJuestel2014, author = {M{\"u}ller, M. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {On the Luminescence and Energy Transfer of White Emitting Ca3Y2(Si3O9)2:Ce3+,Mn2+ Phosphor}, series = {J. Luminescence}, volume = {155}, journal = {J. Luminescence}, doi = {10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.06.035}, pages = {398}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerJuestel2015, author = {M{\"u}ller, M. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {Energy Transfer and Unusual Decay Behaviour of BaCa2Si3O9:Eu2+,Mn2+ Phosphor}, series = {Dalton Transaction}, volume = {44}, journal = {Dalton Transaction}, doi = {10.1039/C5DT00591D}, pages = {10368}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @misc{MertinsMuellerGumlich1993, author = {Mertins, H.-Ch. and M{\"u}ller, M. and Gumlich, H.-E.}, title = {Excitation of luminescence of wide band gap II--VI--compounds containing Mn by synchrotron radiation in the energy range of 3.5eV < E < 20eV, Int. Conference on Luminescence, Storrs, USA, 9.8--13.8.}, year = {1993}, language = {en} }