@article{JansenJuestel2017, author = {Jansen, T. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {On the optical properties of Sr3SiAl10O20 and Sr3SiAl10O20:Mn4+}, series = {J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids}, volume = {110 C}, journal = {J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids}, doi = {10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.06.009}, pages = {180 -- 186}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{KhaidukovNagirnyiVielhaueretal.2017, author = {Khaidukov, N. and Nagirnyi, V. and Vielhauer, S. and Feldbach, E. and M{\"a}gi, H. and Jansen, T. and Kirm, M. and T{\~o}ldsepp, E. and Juestel, T.}, title = {Luminescence Properties of Silicate Apatite Phosphors M2La8Si6O26:Eu (M = Mg, Ca, Sr)}, series = {J. Luminescence}, volume = {191}, journal = {J. Luminescence}, doi = {10.1016/j.jlumin.2017.01.033}, pages = {51 -- 55}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{JansenBaurJuestel2017, author = {Jansen, T. and Baur, Florian and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {Red Emitting K2NbF7:Mn4+ and K2TaF7:Mn4+ for Warm-White LED Applications}, series = {J. Luminescence}, volume = {192}, journal = {J. Luminescence}, doi = {10.1016/j.jlumin.2017.07.061}, pages = {644 -- 652}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{JansenJuestelKirmetal.2017, author = {Jansen, T. and Juestel, T. and Kirm, M. and Makhov, V. and Vielhauer, S. and Khaidukov, N. and Nagirnyi, V. and T{\~o}ldsepp, E. and M{\"a}gi, H.}, title = {Site Selective, Time and Temperature Dependent Spectroscopy of Eu3+ Doped Apatites (Mg,Ca,Sr)2Y8Si6O26}, series = {J. Luminescence}, volume = {186}, journal = {J. Luminescence}, doi = {10.1016/j.jlumin.2017.02.004}, pages = {205 -- 211}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{KirmFeldbachMaegietal.2017, author = {Kirm, M. and Feldbach, E. and M{\"a}gi, H. and Nagirnyi, V. and T{\~o}ldsepp, E. and Vielhauer, S. and J{\"u}stel, T. and Jansen, T. and Khaidukov, N. M. and Makhov, V. N.}, title = {Silicate Apatite Phosphors for pc-LED Applications}, series = {Proc.Estonian Acad.Sci.}, volume = {66}, journal = {Proc.Estonian Acad.Sci.}, doi = {10.3176/proc.2017.4.14}, pages = {383-395}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{JansenBaurBoehnischetal.2017, author = {Jansen, T. and Baur, Florian and B{\"o}hnisch, D. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {The Optical Properties of Monoclinic Na3AlF6 and Na3AlF6:Mn4+}, series = {Research Gate}, journal = {Research Gate}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.30886.11847}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @misc{JansenBoehnischJuestel2016, author = {Jansen, T. and B{\"o}hnisch, D. and J{\"u}stel, T.}, title = {On the Photoluminescence Linearity of Eu2+ Based LED Phosphors upon High Excitation Density, 230th ECS Meeting, Honolulu, USA, October 2016}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @misc{KirmVielhauerToldseppetal.2016, author = {Kirm, M. and Vielhauer, S. and T{\~o}ldsepp, E. and M{\"a}gi, H. and Nagirnyi, V. and Jansen, T. and J{\"u}stel, T. and Khaidukov, N. M. and Makhov, V. N.}, title = {Investigation of Eu Doped Silicate Phosphor Family M2Ln8(SiO4)6O2 (M = Mg, Ca, Sr; Ln = La, Y) with Apatite Structure for LED Applications, 230th ECS Meeting, Honolulu, USA, October 2016}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @misc{KirmVielhauerToeldseppetal.2016, author = {Kirm, M. and Vielhauer, S. and T{\"o}ldsepp, E. and M{\"a}gi, H. and Nagirnyi, V. and Jansen, T. and J{\"u}stel, T. and Khaidukov, N. M. and Makhov, V. N.}, title = {Investigation of Eu doped silicate phosphor family M2Ln8(SiO4)6O2 (M = Mg, Ca, Sr; Ln = La, Y) with apatite structure for LED applications, 230th ECS Meeting, Honolulu, USA, October 2016}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @misc{KhaidukovKirmFeldbachetal.2016, author = {Khaidukov, N. M. and Kirm, M. and Feldbach, E. and M{\"a}gi, H. and Nagirnyi, V. and T{\~o}ldsepp, E. and Vielhauer, S. and J{\"u}stel, T. and Jansen, T. and Makhov, V. N.}, title = {Luminescence Properties of Silicate Apatite Phosphors M2La8Si6O26:Eu (M = Mg, Ca, Sr), DPC, Paris, France, June 2016}, year = {2016}, language = {en} }