@misc{MertinsGumlich1994, author = {Mertins, H.-Ch. and Gumlich, H.-E.}, title = {Core level spectroscopy of II--Mn--VI compounds by luminescence exitation with synchrotron radiation, Proc. 3. European Workshop on II--VI--Compounds and 4.International Workshop on Semimagnetic Semiconductors, Linz, Austria, 26.9. -- 30.9.}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @misc{MertinsGumlichJung1994, author = {Mertins, H.-Ch. and Gumlich, H.-E. and Jung, Ch.}, title = {Carrier multiplication in ZnS:Mn: Investigation of Luminescence Excitation by Synchro-tron Radiation, Proc. 7.Int. Workshop on Electroluminescence, Beijing, China}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @misc{MertinsGumlichBressler1994, author = {Mertins, H.-Ch. and Gumlich, H.-E. and Bressler, P. R.}, title = {Investigation on the electronic structure of Mn doped II--VI--compounds by synchrotron radiation, Int. Conf. on Electroluminescence, Hamamatsu, Japan}, year = {1994}, language = {en} }