@article{SandtenBoeingHrinciusetal.2022, author = {Christian Stefan Sandten and Christian B{\"o}ing and Eike Hrincius and Darisuren Anhlan and Martin Kreyenschmidt and Stephan Ludwig and Hans-Christoph Mertins and Alexander Mellmann and Andreas Dworog and Stephanie Hanning and Thilo Kuennemann and Christopher Niehues and Thomas Schupp and Edyta Stec and Julius Thume and Daniel Triphaus and Markus Wilkern and Holger Uphoff and Josef Z{\"u}ndorf and Anja Jacobshagen}, title = {Decontamination of disposable respirators for reuse in a pandemic employing in-situ-generated peracetic acid}, journal = {American Journal of Infection Control}, volume = {00 / 2021}, pages = {1 -- 7}, doi = {10.1016/j.ajic.2021.09.017}, url = {https://www.ajicjournal.org/action/showPdf?pii=S0196-6553\%2821\%2900620-9}, year = {2022}, }